A Conversation for PARTY!!!!


Post 81

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*rings doorbell*


Post 82

Fashion Cat

yey!!! EV!!!! Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here!!!!

nice to see you made it!!! Have a nose round till you find what you want, if you cant find it jump up and down and shout a lot.... most alcohol's in the fridge.... coffee and tea in the pots, pizza in the oven, sweets and doughnuts around.... smiley - bigeyes


Post 83

Brie Cheese Eater

Argh. I'm going to have to leave the party a bit early... as I just found out, I've used up the 100 hours I was allowed this month on the net, not to mention the many hours I had to borrow off my dad's account... in fact, I'm using it right now to post it. Well, at least, it's only for two days. I was hoping and hoping this wouldn't happen... well, gotta go now, so bye!


Post 84

Fashion Cat

hehe... nice to see you anyway BCE.... Drop around again soon! smiley - winkeye


Post 85

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*struggles in under the weight of several bottles of champagne*
Hello everyone. Oh, bye Brie Cheese Eater...


Post 86

Fashion Cat

WOW!!!! smiley - bigeyes Thanks EV!!!! *Helps EV put them in ice...* smiley - bigeyes


Post 87


See you in 24 hours time BCE...!!! smiley - winkeye

* Looks worried as Benji drinks from the glass... *

Hello EV !!!

Never one to miss a party, I see... !!!

smiley - fish


Post 88

St Benji

you got some weard diet...


Post 89

Fashion Cat

And one held by me..... Another reason to come!!!! smiley - bigeyes


Post 90

St Benji

hajaflazam.....this stuf is good...smiley - bigeyes

nice to meet you EV, I dont think weve met?


Post 91

Fashion Cat

Oooohh!!1 Intros!!!!! St. Benji, let me introduce you to Dr. E Vibenstein, person in charge of the *fabulous* ice cream stalls..... YOu didnt happen to bring any round did you EV???


Post 92

Fashion Cat

OMG!!!!! We're 2nd on the busiest forums.......!!!!!!! Thank you guys!!!! *hugs everyone!* smiley - bigeyes


Post 93

Shift 3 (A.K.A "#")

Nice music, brought a case of cold _original_ danish carlsberg...

But I don't know a soul here, neither do you know me.

I am in great need, first I'd really like to know how to change my name...

Free beers for advice, or company. or both...

/Shift 3


Post 94

Fashion Cat

hehe!!! Welcome! This is how you get to know people in this mad-cap world of h2g2!!!

ok. changing your name... there should be a preferences box on the right of your page (in green) that allows you to change your name.

Thanks for the carlsberg! Sit, eat enjoy.... Shout if you cant find anything!!!! smiley - winkeye


Post 95

Fashion Cat

hehe... Gotta return to RL for a while.... Keep the vibe buzzin people!!!! Make any newies feel welcome... smiley - bigeyes Hep yourself to whatever you want!!! smiley - winkeye


Post 96

Shift 3 (A.K.A "#")

Ok, I think I got it...Thanx.
Feel like I'm going to crash down in a sofa and have a cold beer.
(Does 'crash down into a sofa' exist as an expression in the English world??
It is an expression used in Swedish...



Post 97

St Benji

whos got the brownes?


Post 98

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

*staggers in wearing night shirt... realizes...leaves, and returns dressed*
Boy, it's awful early for a party where I am... I just woke up.. but what the hell.. oops, sorry God... I guess it's never too early for a party.

I'll just grab some cold pizza for breakfast and something from that smoking crate.


Post 99

St Benji

crash, sofa, cold beer...all good english expressions....how do you like the party?smiley - fish


Post 100


*Enters dramatically through the door.*
Stop FC, don't go yet, for I am here, my dear.
Happy Pagewarming! Mwoahahahahaha.
*Holds a lighter under a piece of paper and waves the one under the other. Lightly burns thumb.*
Ooh, that smarts! Quick ice someone!

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