Saint Benji_P.S of the barking mad
This page is going through a small re vamp at the moment but it should become alot better soon i hope, still It's nice when someone pops buy to say hello.
If you have a question, ask, I don't know all the answers but i can say wibble alot so you get board and ask someone else
Or you can hit the button below (you cant miss it)

Have you seen the little smiley pics, will to find out how to do them and more follow the link...
THE SMILEY PAGE Where you need to go to find out how to do all the cool smiley stuff.I live in somerset near Glastonbury alegid home to the HHGTTG accounts department (a very suspect bunch if you ask me, not that my opinon counts for much).I have to give them credit though, with all the "alternative" lifestyles that are attracted to the area it would be very easy for most of there employees to blend in.
If you want to find out who the Angles are take a look at some of the sites.
COME SEE THE GA's AT HOMELatest Messages
Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
Party Invitation !!! | Jul 25, 2000 |
BENJI ROUNDUP!! | Jun 17, 2000 |
Hello and welcome! | Apr 23, 2000 |
An interesting quote | Apr 16, 2000 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
Top Secret | Jun 20, 2000 | Sep 13, 2005 |
Condolences | Dec 21, 2000 | Jan 25, 2001 |
A Big Sloppy Christmas Kiss | Dec 21, 2000 | Dec 28, 2000 |
back | Nov 27, 2000 | No Replies |
way hay | May 24, 2000 | Nov 17, 2000 |
St Benji
Researcher U118119
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."