This is the Message Centre for St Benji

An interesting quote

Post 1

The Cow

I like that quote, it seems so appropiate to everything going on at the moment.
The other is 'Idiot proof, but not fool proof'. An idiot doesn't know what he's doing. A fool -thinks- he knows what he's doing.
Oh, and welcome to h2g2!

An interesting quote

Post 2

St Benji

Im glad you like it, a nice simple statement that sums it all up, thanks for the welcome and when i have a chance i'll take a look at your home pagesmiley - bigeyes

An interesting quote

Post 3

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Hello. I am an ACE on h2g2 which means that I have to welcome newbies. I'm not supposed to be nasty to anyone but I do recommend that if you bump into Jeni X ( ) then be nasty to her. Don't say I told you to. Also, to Shim ( ) who happens to be my brother. Beg him not to chuck me off h2g2 please!

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