A Conversation for Talking Point: Classic TV Revivals

Ewoks, He-Man, and Sesame Street...

Post 1


These all need to be brought back. Enough with Teletubbies and Pokemon.

They were proper kids tv shows whewn I was a kid!

Ewoks, He-Man, and Sesame Street...

Post 2


So true, NPY - I loved He-Man and Sesame Street. I also liked She-Ra (had a home made costume and everything!) who I guess was the female version of He-Man, they were my heroes. Now they bring out the Teletubbies and Pokemon like you said. They don't make the kids programmes like they used to!
smiley - magic

Ewoks, He-Man, and Sesame Street...

Post 3


I'd forgotten about She-Ra! What was her real name? I know He-Man's was Adam. You had a costume too! You were lucky!

Too right they don't make kids TV like they used too.

Ewoks, He-Man, and Sesame Street...

Post 4


I can't remember what She-Ra's real name was, but I think she was a princess wasn't she? She had a great necklace which I think she also used as a weapon - I made one from cardboard and tin foil! I was (and still am) a bit of a super hero fanatic - I used to have a Super Girl and Wonder Woman outfit (we're talking when I was 7 here). Too old for the costumes now, but I do still ponder over where on earth Wonder Woman's handbag went when she did her spin to transform!
smiley - magic

Ewoks, He-Man, and Sesame Street...

Post 5


She-Ra, Princess of Power, wasn't it?

You have a point - like what happened to Clark Kent's clothes when he became Superman? you never see him putting them somewhere safe and going back for them.

Ewoks, He-Man, and Sesame Street...

Post 6


Ah yes, but he could at least hide them somewhere in the phone box - Wonder Woman just did her spin in the middle of the street. The funny thing is, I never wondered about where the rest of her clothes went, just her handbag!
smiley - magic

Ewoks, He-Man, and Sesame Street...

Post 7


I suppose so. Though would someone not steal them? I mean like if you come across a handbag or a nice suit lying around on the streets, would you not be tempted to keep it? Or if you're really good, give them in to the police or a charity shop?

Ewoks, He-Man, and Sesame Street...

Post 8


Maybe that's where artistic license comes in and they decide the realworld of thieves doesn't come into it! Or, maybe their clothes just get magicked away to some unseen place where no one can find them!
smiley - magic

Ewoks, He-Man, and Sesame Street...

Post 9


Weird anyway.

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