A Conversation for Talking Point: Classic TV Revivals

Captain Scarlet

Post 1

LQ - Just plain old LQ

I'm surprised to see (at least, as far as I've noticed) that no-one's brought up the "New Captain Scarlet" show (most likely because it was talked about when it first started and I'm weeks behind everyone).

It's been going for a few weeks now, but I only saw the one episode (second one, I think). I wasn't impressed, as I felt the fact it was all computer generated sort of defeated the point - surely it's supposed to be puppets? And while CGI could have worked (I'm not quite that obsessively short-sighted as to believe it couldn't have worked), I don't feel it did. Also, the actual plot wasn't great either.

Having never seen much of the original show, I'm not sure whether it's a completely new series or a remake of the old episodes (I doubt the latter, but stupider things have happened), seeing as the episode I saw was set shortly after Scarlet had escaped the Mysterons' mind control.

Still, I imagine it's better than the Thunderbirds film (haven't seen that either, but have heard it's abysmal).

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