A Conversation for Talking Point: Funniest Films

I,m Alan Partridge

Post 1


The first serious when he loses his contract with the BBC and starts living in a travel tavern. Its a little sad and geeky to quote from programmes, but I genuinely believe that this character/creation/steve coogan is some of the finest british comedy for a few years. Here are some quotes:-

Context: Alan is trying to avoid a fight in the petrol station.
Quote: The temperature inside this apple pie is over 1000 degrees. If I squeeze it, a jet of molten bramley apple will squirt out. Could go your way; could go mine. Either way, one of us is going down!!!!

Context:After coming up with some very bad ideas.
Quote: I'm going nowhere, Lynn. Quite literally - I'm on the ring road!

Context: Talking about the Irish Famine.
Quote: I mean, if it was just the potatoes that were affected, at the end of the day, you will pay the price if you're a fussy eater. If they could afford to emigrate then they could afford to eat in a modest restaurant

Context: Introducing the show.
Quote: We've got so much chat, I'm going to have to get my ice pick out and scale the north face of Chat-mandu!

Context: Alan depressed and talking to Michael at the bar.
Quote: I wish I'd be at bit more spontaneous. Sometimes I feel like going out, stealing a traffic cone, putting it on my head and saying, "Look at me, I'm a giant witch."smiley - smiley

I,m Alan Partridge

Post 2

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

"This is the Conversation Forum for Talking Point: Funniest Films"

smiley - erm When did they make I'm Alan Partridge into a film? smiley - huh

I,m Alan Partridge

Post 3


I apologise must humbly, when you realised my mistake, it must have been quite harrowing for you. I would go and check that you,ve not left a knife in the fork drawer.

smiley - ok

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