A Conversation for h2g2 London Summer Meet 2005 - Sat 16 July!

London meet: Master B's "Gimmick" Idea

Post 41


What's a 'Jules'smiley - erm

Do I have to find some diamonds etc?

Oh, forgot, not actually on the list as yet smiley - run

London meet: Master B's "Gimmick" Idea

Post 42


mmmmm I'm not looking forward to carrying around a lamp....smiley - eureka

How about a video of the series? smiley - erm

London meet: Master B's "Gimmick" Idea

Post 43

Mu Beta

You could always wear denim and be Jeanie. smiley - winkeye


London meet: Master B's "Gimmick" Idea

Post 44

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

*considers changing nickname to Johnny Depp* smiley - drool

London meet: Master B's 'Gimmick' Idea

Post 45


not if i get there firstsmiley - tongueout

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