A Conversation for The Sins of the Father?
Wand'rin star Started conversation Jun 29, 2001
I found this completely by chance and have just spent a happy ten minutes reading it - in the middle of the night. Keep at it
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Jan 8, 2002
Strangely fascinating and weirdly funny.
Hope you won't mind if we publicise this piece in this week's issue of AGG/GAG in the H2G2Post.
A very good read, indeed.
The Insomniac - Can't Sleep! Clowns Will Eat Me! Posted Jan 11, 2002
Absolutely stunning...
Kudos to you!
deackie Posted Jan 14, 2002
Marvellous, reminds me of the best of Roald Dahls short stories!
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