A Conversation for The Beatles 1971-1980


Post 1

James Casey

Well, obviously 'Live and let die' for a start...


Post 2


So, starting with the early stuff, what good songs are on his pre-Wings albums "McCartney" and "Ram"?
From McCartney - "Every Night", "Junk", "Teddy Boy" and "Maybe I'm Amazed" (DEFINATELY "Maybe I'm Amazed" would have been selected.)
From "Ram" - "Dear Boy", "Uncle ALbert/Admiral Halsey", "Heart Of The Country", "Monkberry Moon Delight", "Eat At Home", "Long Haired Lady"
"Back Seat of My Car", "Another Day" and "Oh Woman, Oh Why" would be eligible, but from the pre-Wings material, the strongest songs are:

Maybe I'm Amazed, Another Day, Every Night, Back Seat Of my Car, Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey.


Post 3


Here's a further problem over qualification, though. I personally like "Teddy Boy", but both it and "Junk" were rejected by The Beatles The evidence is on "Anthology 3", which contains demos of both songs. On the "Anthology" version of "Teddy Boy", Lennon can be heard mocking the song even as Macca sings it. So do these qualify?
BTW, I'm afraid I must disagree over the inclusion of "Live and Let Die". Apart from anything else, it contains one of the worst lines of lyric McCartney has ever written, (which is saying something): "And in this ever-changing world in which we live in". I'd go for "Maybe I'm Amazed" instead, or perhaps the charming "C Moon".


Post 4


Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Maybe I'm Amazed, Another Day, and Back Seat of My Car are all contenders. smiley - smiley

Mull of Kintyre, Mary Had a Little Lamb, and that bloody frog song are not. :-b

BTW, Ormondroyd, I fretted for many years over that lyric in Live and Let Die. Then it dawned on me: what he was singing was "And in this ever-changing world in which we're livin'" It has to be ~ all his other lyrics are reasonably erudite. Still not a good line, though.


Post 5


And I still can't do that new smiley. Or can I? smiley - tongueout


Post 6

James Casey

Sadly, Macca has admitted it is 'Ever-changing world in which we live in'. I used to hope it was 'which we're livin'. But come on, guys! Don't let one line wreck the chance to include the best Bond song! smiley - smiley


Post 7


Well said, KC.
So, looks like we've progressed on to Wings. So many songs, so little possibilities. But personally I like both "Mull of Kintyre" and the tune to "Live and Let Die". Okay, it's a weak line, but that doesn't alter the tune or the power of the sound.


Post 8


HadnÕt realised that Macca had admitted lousy lyric writing; but youÕre right, Live and Let Die is the best Bond theme.

Other Paul tracks might be: My Love (which John would hate); Jet (which adds a much-needed fast track); Listen to What the Man says? smiley - smiley


Post 9


That's a good point - what would be included from the early Wings stuff - "Wild Life", "Red Rose Speedway" and "Band on the Run"?

From "Wild Life" - there's little of any strength there. "Wild Life" may be included, but I doubt it. "Give Ireland Back To The Irish" and "Mary Had A Little Lamb" aren't exactly strong either.

"Red Rose Speedway" - "My Love" definately. The "Hold Me Tight/Lazy Dynamite/Hands Of Love/Power Cut" medley may be too, afterall the Beatles did enjoy medleys, see "Abbey Road".

"Band on The Run" - okay then, this is definately one of strong songs. "Band On The Run", obviously, "Jet", "Bluebird", "Let Me Roll It", and "Country Dreamer" would probably be on it too - "Helen Wheels" is a little weak, though.


Post 10


Hi to all,

Aren't you all talking about solo-songs that could have been on ANY Beatles-album ? I mean I do not believe that the Beatles would have sounded like their sixties-albums in the seventies... No way, especially not John Lennon ! So what about songs like 'Woman' by John and 'No more lonely nights' by Paul ? You can definitely hear that they were in the original Beatles yet you can also hear that they progressed a bit since then.

Paul :

No more lonely nights
My Brave Face
Maybe I'm Amazed
Band on the run

John :

Working class hero
Jealous guy
Can't catch me(from his 'album "Rock and Roll '75", I know it's a cover but the Beatles used to record covers now and then)

George :


Ringo :

Perhaps a remake of Yellow Submarine...? smiley - winkeye


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