The Beatles 1971-1980

7 Conversations

Let's suppose The Beatles didn't split up. And let's suppose all the songs the four recorded in the 1970s could be included on a 'Best Of' album.

Any song written or sung by John, Paul, George and Ringo is eligible - bear in mind Ringo's got to be singing at least one - but they've got to be reasonable choices; they won't be mostly John or mostly Paul, and Macca's certainly not allowing 'How do you sleep?' on there, is he?

Due to Lennon's househusbanding in the latter half of the 1970s, we'll have to make do with a single album - although it'll have enough songs for a double...say let's call it The Green Album.

The Green Album...essentially finalised.

This is not a final playing order!

Imagine - John

Watching the wheels - John

Another Day - Paul

My Sweet Lord - George

My Love - Paul

Jealous Guy - John

Maybe I'm Amazed - Paul

Mind Games - John

Bangladesh - George

Band on the run - Paul

Every Night - Paul

You - George

Woman - John

Whatever gets you thru the night- John

Jet - Paul

Dark Horse - George

Stand by me - John

Mull of Kintyre - Paul

I'm the greatest - Ringo

Rockestra Theme - Paul

Instant Karma - John

No. 9 Dream - John

Live and let die - Paul

Without whom...

Many thanks to the following for their input:
Eeyore, Charles, Your Plastic Pal Who's Fun To Be With!, Bluebottle, Ormandroyd, TowelMaster.

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