A Conversation for H2G2S2: The H2G2 Sweet Shop

Jew Jew Bees and chocolate penguins

Post 81

Ming Mang

OK then. smiley - sadface
I'll try and be on same time tomorrow then... smiley - smiley
That's OK! Good luck next time! smiley - smiley


Jew Jew Bees and chocolate penguins

Post 82

Chris Tonks

Right then, I'm back online now (busy watching 'A Touch of Frost' yesterday...smiley - winkeye), and will be so for an hour from this post. smiley - smiley

My page seems to be working again, and my site's been given a new navigation system - if you go onto my chat page you'll find you can access the rest of the site! smiley - smiley

Jew Jew Bees and chocolate penguins

Post 83

Ming Mang

smiley - smiley OK, I'll open another window and be over soon. smiley - smiley

Good! smiley - biggrin


Jew Jew Bees and chocolate penguins

Post 84

Chris Tonks

Did the chat system work just now? I saw you online, and then you vanished...smiley - winkeye
I'm afraid that, whenever you leave that page, you get disconnected from it, so if you want to browse my site, you'll have to open a new window...smiley - winkeye

Jew Jew Bees and chocolate penguins

Post 85

Ming Mang

OK, I got there and did everything and then it froze up... I've had to shut down that window by going ctrl+alt+delete. I'm going to try again...


Jew Jew Bees and chocolate penguins

Post 86

Chris Tonks

Ah...I've just noticed that you must have got cut off as soon as you got there - your ping time-out was three minutes, which means I was posting to you when you weren't there...smiley - winkeye

Jew Jew Bees and chocolate penguins

Post 87

Ming Mang

Yeah... but I'm there now. I hope.


Jew Jew Bees and chocolate penguins

Post 88

Chris Tonks

Well, we've got it to work at last! smiley - smiley

Hmmm...I wonder where that other guy is, the one who wanted to put you in a Pokeball thingy for no readily apparent reason...

Jew Jew Bees and chocolate penguins

Post 89

Ming Mang

Yay!! smiley - smiley It worked! smiley - biggrin

Err... dunno... maybe he went off sulking cos he couldn't...


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