A Conversation for H2G2S2: The H2G2 Sweet Shop

Jew Jew Bees and chocolate penguins

Post 61

Ming Mang

Yeah, but it's size... smiley - bigeyessmiley - bigeyessmiley - bigeyessmiley - bigeyessmiley - bigeyes Mine's only 800MB...


Jew Jew Bees and chocolate penguins

Post 62

Chris Tonks

Ah well...smiley - winkeye
If only I could actually take my HD apart, I could send you a couple of GB...smiley - winkeye

Jew Jew Bees and chocolate penguins

Post 63

Ming Mang

Ahhh... dammit... I need that extra few 100MBs... smiley - sadface

And sorry I didn't go over last night - the computer crashed big time and the modem decided it wasn't going to work after that... smiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadface grrrrrrr...


Jew Jew Bees and chocolate penguins

Post 64

Chris Tonks

Oh, I'm sorry about that...smiley - sadface
I'll be offline in a bit anyway - going to watch Taggart..smiley - smiley

Jew Jew Bees and chocolate penguins

Post 65

Ming Mang

Oh well... smiley - sadface but I'm trying to do the ACE job right now anyway, and it always takes a while.


Jew Jew Bees and chocolate penguins

Post 66

Chris Tonks

*Again, on until 10pm...*

You're an ACE? You should have that in your username...smiley - smiley

Jew Jew Bees and chocolate penguins

Post 67

Ming Mang

*again, missed, but this time only by an hour...* smiley - sadface

No, there is nothing that will make me change my name. We don't HAVE to put it in our name, so I haven't. smiley - winkeye


Jew Jew Bees and chocolate penguins

Post 68

Chris Tonks

Hehe...alright then, if there's no convinicing you...smiley - winkeye

Thought about becomming an ACE myself once, but I don't have much time to start new regular conversations (i.e. ones where newbies ask me loads of questions...smiley - winkeye)...

Jew Jew Bees and chocolate penguins

Post 69

Ming Mang

No, absolutely no convincing me! smiley - winkeye

Actaully, they hardly ever do talk back... most of them hardly ever come back. You only get a few who ask questions, and I've never yet had an ongoing conversation with one. Even while I used to try and out-ACE the ACEs a few months ago...


Jew Jew Bees and chocolate penguins

Post 70

Chris Tonks

I was first greeted by an out-ACE-er...smiley - winkeye
Ddombrow or something similar...?

Jew Jew Bees and chocolate penguins

Post 71

Ming Mang

Never heard of them... I've always been Ming. smiley - smiley But there are quite a few out-ACE-ers about. And what I don't understand is that they always get there first, and whenever I tried to out-ACE the ACEs I always failed...



Post 72

Chris Tonks

This post has been removed.

Jew Jew Bees and chocolate penguins

Post 73

Ming Mang

Yeah... and annoying in that I wanted to out-ACE them...

I'm there already, although it did take a while, but mainly cos I was using Opera at the time and it crashed... now I'm using IE.
smiley - smiley


Jew Jew Bees and chocolate penguins

Post 74

Chris Tonks

Ah, excellent! smiley - smiley
Yeah, hang on, I'm trying to get there, but it's taking a while...smiley - winkeye

Jew Jew Bees and chocolate penguins

Post 75

Ming Mang

You're happy cos I'm using IE?
See you there then. smiley - smiley


Jew Jew Bees and chocolate penguins

Post 76

Chris Tonks

Oh yes, I'm always happier if people use IE rather than NS...smiley - winkeye

Oh drat this thing! It's refusing to find the Java on the ICQ page! smiley - sadface

Jew Jew Bees and chocolate penguins

Post 77

Ming Mang

Oh, OK. And if they use IE instead of Opera as well then? smiley - winkeye

Really? Wierd. smiley - erm That is just odd... smiley - sadface


Jew Jew Bees and chocolate penguins

Post 78

Chris Tonks

I'm afraid I've had to give up for now...I've even tried loading the seperate Java files, and failed...smiley - sadface

Typical! The one time in a while we're both online at the same time, and the chat room won't work! Grrr...smiley - grr

Jew Jew Bees and chocolate penguins

Post 79

Ming Mang

Blimey! That's really odd... and incredibly annoying... and totally typical. smiley - sadface Murphy's law. smiley - grr
Well, I'll stay there till I go offline, just in case you manage later...


Jew Jew Bees and chocolate penguins

Post 80

Chris Tonks

Ah well, I've got to go offline round about now anyway...smiley - sadface
I'll try again tomorrow...smiley - smiley
Thanks for waiting around...smiley - smiley

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