A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks: The Beach


Post 1

Robin M

I would like to start a converstation about windsurfing....oh look I just have... easy this isn't it.

Any way windsurfing is cool, and I like it. If you want to talk about windsurfing (or anything else); I'm not fussy please post a response.

Please someone reply to this message or it will just sit on this conversation list, feeling all sad and lonely until some kind hearted web-editor comes along and puts it out of it's missery by shooting it and burrying it in a shallow grave behind a distant sand dune.


Post 2


I've been windsurfing a fair few times in Sandown Bay. And yes, it was quite fun, and eventually I managed to keep my balance.

...But I must admit that surf skis (aka wave skis - a cross between a surf board and a canoe) appealed to me more. Far more relaxing, and you can go much faster. Sitting down was definately a bonus. smiley - winkeye



Post 3


I enjoy windsurfing mainly because of the feel of the wind in the sail.

It took me a long time to actually stay upright.

I have a Hifly 250 which is enormous. My wife calls it the Queen Mary.

But its big enough to take my weight and very stable and just the right size for the car.


Post 4


I've been windsurfing a couple of times and loved it. But I'm now living close to the center of London. Unfortunately, the waves and health standards of the Thames and the Regents' Canal leave a lot to be desired. So where's the closest place to London where I can rent a board for a couple of hours at a reasonable price?


Post 5




Post 6


Mais oui.

But that's a little bit further away than I was hoping. Actually I know of a place in Brighton, but the prices were outrageous. I'm sure I could do better.


Post 7


Actually, AT, I'm from Down under so I don't have a clue where to go windsurfing in Europe.

If you're down this way however go to the Sunhine Coast, Queensland and check out Pumicestone Passage at Bribie Island, the Maroochy River at Maroochydore or Golden Beach at Caloundra.

One hour hire of a sailboard for $15 Australian (about 7 British Pounds)


Post 8


Wow that's great. In the States you'd be lucky to find anywhere that would rent a board for under 20 bucks (40 Australian) an hour.


Post 9


I've been thinking sbout getting a large windsurfer which will allow me to take my 6 year old daughter out with me.

I think there is one called the Windrider made for that purpose.

Ever hear of it?


Post 10

Robin M

I've not heard of the windrider, but I sarted on a "sailboard sport" and that had enough volume for two people at least. Unfortunately it turned like an oil tanker.


Post 11

Robin M

I know of a couple of places in Kent which are good for Windsurfing but I'm not sure about where you can hire a board.
There is Bewl Bridge Reservoir nr. Tonbridge, Whitstable (north of Canterbury), and Minster beach on the Isle of Sheppey, this last place has a small lake nearby where you can hire boards.


Post 12


Hi. There's no Edited Entry on windsurfing - so I've written an entry and put it in Peer Review. You can comment on it here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/F48874?thread=147521&post=1416962#p1416962 I'd really appreciate a bit of feedback from actual sailors. Cheers! H.

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