A Conversation for German Meet 2008

Lingerers and latecomers

Post 1


Seeing as how I'm going to be arriving fashionably late (about two weeks late!) I was wondering whether any of the non-deutsch bods who are visiting will still be there when I get there. And deutsch bods too, of course!

So, will anyone still be there, or will I get off lightly when I buy a round? smiley - biggrin

Lingerers and latecomers

Post 2

aka Bel - A87832164

You know where to find me. It's not in Düsseldorf, though. smiley - biggrin

Lingerers and latecomers

Post 3


smiley - musicalnote zu Frankfurt an dem Main...Das Reden hat kein End!*

That's a song by Ougenweide. Unfortunately, I'm cursed with the gift of making my own lyrics up when I forget the real ones. I can often be found wandering around singing:

Zu Frankfurt an dem Main,
Where all the people sein...

smiley - laugh

*At Frankfurt on the Main, there's no end to the jaw-wagging! (loose interpretation. smiley - winkeye )

Lingerers and latecomers

Post 4

aka Bel - A87832164

At least your lyrics rhyme. smiley - silly

Lingerers and latecomers

Post 5


Now that the obligatory lunacy is done and dusted sensible posts will also be accepted. smiley - winkeye

Lingerers and latecomers

Post 6

aka Bel - A87832164

Spoilsport. smiley - tongueout

Lingerers and latecomers

Post 7

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

Why can't you just come to the meet?smiley - erm

Lingerers and latecomers

Post 8

aka Bel - A87832164

I think KB's travelling plans were there before we planned our meet. Unfortunately, you and a few others couldn't make a later date, Tav.

Lingerers and latecomers

Post 9


Yep. If I could, I would, but I already had the flight booked before the meet date was set. I wasn't really going for the meet, as such, but I thought that if some of the attendees were holiday-ing for a couple of weeks or whatever, it would be good to catch them while I'm there.

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