A Conversation for German Meet 2008

*Surfin' in off B'El's tagline*

Post 21

Malabarista - now with added pony

How very kind smiley - laugh

*Surfin' in off B'El's tagline*

Post 22

You can call me TC

*wonders where else, if at all, KB will be when in Germany*

*Surfin' in off B'El's tagline*

Post 23

aka Bel - A87832164

He hopes to make it to Frankfurt. smiley - magic

*Surfin' in off B'El's tagline*

Post 24


Frankfurt's a bit provisional though, depending on how the Geld stretches. Is that where you are too, TC?

*Surfin' in off B'El's tagline*

Post 25

aka Bel - A87832164

TC is in Germersheim (that's between Mannheim and Karlsruhe).

*Surfin' in off B'El's tagline*

Post 26


That overall central-west region seems relatively densely packed with hootooers! smiley - biggrin

Just wondering, do we have any Ossis on hootoo?

*Surfin' in off B'El's tagline*

Post 27

aka Bel - A87832164

Yes, there's Yelbakk.

*Surfin' in off B'El's tagline*

Post 28

You can call me TC

Before we all get into a muddle or end up posting the same information in 6 different threads, I would like to nominate the "Arrivals and Departures" thread, with its official-sounding title, for the single thread to post to for arrangements.


Individual bed arrangements with Malabarista and Matodemi can carry on where they were, of course, but when it comes to meeting up together and coordinating things, can we just keep it to that one thread.

Thank you.

*Surfin' in off B'El's tagline*

Post 29


Sounds wise TC. I'll not post there since I'm a kind of...'semi-detatched' attendee. smiley - winkeye

*Surfin' in off B'El's tagline*

Post 30

Malabarista - now with added pony

Wow, TC, you were thorough! smiley - winkeye

*Surfin' in off B'El's tagline*

Post 31

You can call me TC

I hope I don't get accused of spamming!

*Surfin' in off B'El's tagline*

Post 32

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh Not by me!

*Surfin' in off B'El's tagline*

Post 33

aka Bel - A87832164

Well, the thought crossed my mind, but you're safe from me. smiley - biggrin

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