A Conversation for h2g2 Version 2 Help
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kabads Started conversation Jun 11, 2000
I'm afraid there wasn't a reply button at the bottom of your last message, and I'm starting to feel guilty now about starting all these new ones - sorry to all those who are getting fed up at the sight of my typing. The only way I can reply to you is by going back to your hoempage and discuss - there is no reply button.
I will try deleting all my cache on the browswer (hard drive) and starting again. If you wish to save space here you can email me at
[email protected]
Thanks once again.
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Bruce Posted Jun 11, 2000
Hi - don't worry about taking up space - I'm fairly sure that new threads occupy the same space as continuations to old threads.
What browser and operating system are you using?
Let me know how it goes after cache clearing.
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kabads Posted Jun 12, 2000
I'm using IE5- this time there was a button below where I had signed Adam, not sure if this is going to be consistent - maybe it does need a consistent button on the nav bar? Would be helpful to me - don't know if any other users are affected.
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Bruce Posted Jun 12, 2000
That's where the button is supposed to be. This is definitely the 1st time I've heard of it only making intermittent appearances or even non appearances. There have been some strange problems reported by people using IE5.0 on Windows & the beta version of IE5.5, but IE5.1 seems relatively happy.
If the problem reappears leave a message on my home (http://www.h2g2.com/U25551 ) or on Peta the Community Editors page (http://www.h2g2.com/U24 ) .
This really is a weird one
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kabads Posted Jun 17, 2000
Bruce, check your yahoo mail account - still having problems finding a reply button, or a discuss menu that actually
brings up a dialogue box.
Adam -
BTW, I'm using Netscape and IE5. . problem exists on both browsers.
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