A Conversation for h2g2 Version 2 Help
Thanks Bruce
kabads Started conversation Jun 10, 2000
although I'm still a little confused about the posting - I wanted to post in the same thread that you replied to me, and when it came to it, the discuss button wasn't there, or reply button didn't appear; these only seem to appear on someone's homepage, not in their discussion as I thought.
I thought I could just press reply on the same page as reading your reply - am I supposed to? This message will start up a thread of it's own, won't it?
Thanks again
Thanks Bruce
Bruce Posted Jun 11, 2000
Hi - you should be able to reply in the same thread - just like I am here.
At the end of each forum posting there should be a "Reply" button. Clicking that should give you a form for posting a reply & that reply should post in the same forum as the post you are replying to.
If you're hitting the "reply" button in a forum posting & starting a whole new conversation let me know & I'll bring it to the attention of the right people.
Thanks Bruce
Bruce Posted Jun 11, 2000
BTW - there should *definitely* be a reply button somewhere in these posts. If there isn't let me know
Key: Complain about this post
Thanks Bruce
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