10 Conversations

We are told that using a bicycle as an alternative means of transport should be encouraged - it will make us healthier, it will cut down the pollution in our cities and it will help conserve the world's rapidly depleting resources. With all of these pluses you would think by now that most sensible people would have got the message and be happily pedalling here, there and everywhere.

It's not so. The only people who seem to have heard it are the world's nutters.

Stand for a while on a street corner in your average British city and you'll see what I mean.

Your first impression will probably be that they are operating on a completely different set of rules to all other road users. They take no notice whatsoever of traffic lights, passing through red stop lights as though they were figments of our imagination; they don't seem to know what the flashing orange lights on the corners of motor vehicles mean and the only hand signal I've seen them use features one or two fingers; they will cycle across pedestrian crossings whether there are pedetrians on them or not and use pavements underpasses and pedestrian precincts as short cuts. If a large vehicle moves out to give itself room to turn left, sure as fate there will be a cyclist trying to pass up the inside before it can complete his manoeuvre.

Having observed some or all of the madness described above you may now be thinking that the law must protect other road users from the antics of these idiots. You couldn't be more wrong. If a motorist has the misfortune to collide with a cyclist you can bet your boots that it is the motorist who ends up in court with a fine and points on his licence - and a bill for the damage to his vehicle.

I now move on to another class of nutters - racing cyclists.
Can anyone explain to me why cycling clubs are allowed to stage mini Tours de France on public roads? If I wanted to organise a race for cars (or for that matter people, horses, boats or even aircraft) I would have to apply to have the roads, etc closed to public traffic and the event would have to be properly marshalled and policed. More likely I would be refused permission and be told to take the event to a track, properly constructed for racing.

A cycling club, however, can stick up a few signs saying "CYCLE RACE IN PROGRESS", put out a few marshalls and off they go. How do they get away with it?

You have probably guessed by now that I am not a cyclist but, strange as it may seem, I do agree with logic of getting people out of cars and on to bikes. But come on guys (and girls) get your act together and use your bike within the scope of the Highway Code - you ain't gonna make any friends amongst those of us who have to use motor transport if you carry on behaving like assholes.

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