A Conversation for East Midlands 3
ViceChancellorGriffin Keeper spelling Mistakes and Goldfish Started conversation Feb 10, 2005
who put my name on this list? Who knows who I am? come on Own Up. Was It who I think IT was? I havent loged in for about lets see two years, I surenderd my acount to the BBC new log in procedure. (but I got in eventuualy yes) Now anyhowz, Who for Zarks sake put my name down?????????
(this doesnt mean I wont come now) <rocket
(wonder if my signiture syill works or if i can rember it.)
Potholer Posted Feb 10, 2005
No-one put your name down.
The 'display person's name' feature thing is included in the page code, so anyone visiting the page sees themsleves as a potential attendee.
Temporarily change your name and revisit the page, and you'll see what I mean.
Potholer Posted Feb 11, 2005
It seems to have got many people.
It certainly got me, but I had been invited to look at the meet-up page, and so assumed KA was being a bit proactive.
ViceChancellorGriffin Keeper spelling Mistakes and Goldfish Posted Feb 12, 2005
ill see if the reasercher I know is going (donk know his allis though lol) and maybe ill come .
And he realy shouldent do that code thing at the bottom of the list!
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