A Conversation for Talking Point: The Hardest Sport?

Hard or Difficult?

Post 1


What do we mean here exactly?
Sports can be hard in the sense that they're technically difficult, and/or they can be hard in the sense that they inflict pain and demand endurance.
Snooker is an example of a sport that's technically very difficult but not arduous.
Converesely, marathon running is very arduous but technically straightforward.
The hardest sports are possibly the ones where technique is critical and at the same time the sport's physical rigour tends to erodes that technique. Rowing is one of the simpler examples. Further examples where there's an additional element of danger if technique wavers include downhill skiing, boxing and endurance motor sports.
Many of the most popular sports are varied enough to pit technique against strength in different individuals and team roles. The various forms of football, hockey and bat sports all fascinate for this reason, for players and spectators alike.

One final point IMO: golf fails the test of a "hard" sport (and indeed of a satisfying competitive experience generally) because it rewards cowardice. Nearly everyone scores best if they lag up, which is a pathetic characteristic in something purporting to be a contest.

Hard or Difficult?

Post 2


well. I ain't gonna argue with your <>IMO<>, Pinniped, partly 'cos I don't recognise 'lag up' - but I'm guessing you mean it's a bit like harness trotting or jai lai?. Howsomever...

Once upon a time I played golf (well, played at it). At the time, I thought I was pretty well co-ordinated, but consider...

Every damn joint I have, from toe to pinkie, was involved to some extent in every damn swing I made.

Added to that was a damn great pendulous weight wanting to swing around at a damn critical point in both space and time (my head, that is), and there it was, a considerable damn problem - that I didn't solve.

Mastering it is no mean feat. I kid you not. Trust me, dammit.

Hard or Difficult?

Post 3


marathon running is very arduous but technically straightforward.

I beg to differ.

It may sound very simple. Just putting running until you reach the finish. It's far from straighforward. The marathon isn't just physical. There is a great deal of mental strength needed too.

It's possibly the MOST pain you could put your body through. People have died running marathons. If memory serves, The London Marathon on its own has claimed more than 8 lives. The year I ran (1994) someone died at the 19 mile marker.

I know this because I saw the body being put into the back of an ambulance. I've run 2 marathons in my life. My goal was to finish London. I've done it. I wouldn't do it again.

Your brain is your worst enemy in a marathon.
Can I keep running?
Have I trained enough?
Am I going too fast?
Is this going to stop hurting any time soon?
Can I take any more pain?
Are my legs supposed to be as heavy as Dwarf Star Alloy?

Doubt is an awful thing. You don't just have to be physically fit & strong. If your mind isn't equally as strong then you may as well not even bother going to the start.

Hard or Difficult?

Post 4


marathon running isnt a sport any more than is the 60 metres sprint
its an athletics event in which you are not even required to run
running isnt difficult but doing in an event may require speed or endurance or both
the hard bit is to beat others
but this applies to all sports

the Iron Man triathalon would take some beating
as it was designed to be as difficult/hard as you can get

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