A Conversation for ...And Peter Jones as The Book

Great Poem

Post 1

Demon Drawer

There are a number of tributes out there to Peter Jones including one by DNA himself. Would you mind if I let Shazz know about this as a possible article for the Post the h2g2 weekly newspaper.

Great Poem

Post 2


I agree! I do like to feature poems written by h2g2ers, and this one is really a MUST for our readers! Please say yes and I will feature it asap in the POST. smiley - smiley
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Great Poem

Post 3

Positive Feedback

I'd be honoured.

Great Poem

Post 4


Thank You!!
It will be in next week's issue then smiley - smiley
Please drop by and tell me whenever you have an urge to be creative again smiley - smiley
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Great Poem

Post 5



I've just found your poem whilst looking for something almost completely but not quite different.
I hope that you are happy with it, because you deserve to be. I think it is beautifully and sensitively written.

Thank you.

Great Poem

Post 6

Positive Feedback

Thank you, plaguesville, for the kind comment.

I'm about as happy with it as I am any of my jottings - more so than most. The great thing about being a prose writer at heart is not having too high an expectation for one's poetry smiley - winkeye.


Great Poem

Post 7


I've only just discovered your poem, and I like it, too.

Great Poem

Post 8


And that (post 7, above) is praise indeed.

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