...And Peter Jones as The Book

3 Conversations

I only thought of radio as pop music and chat,
Then a science fiction comedy came on to change all that.
The Journey of the Sorcerer dragged me in like a hook,
To Simon Jones as Arthur
...and Peter Jones as The Book

Imagination led us on a voyage into space,
Yet told us all we need to know about the human race,
The small man was our hero, the President a crook.
Mark Wing-Davey: Zaphod Beeblebrox
...and Peter Jones as The Book.

The masterful performances brought this strange dream to life,
Delivering the cynic's lines, as sharp as any knife.
When great scripts are matched by timing then it really starts to cook.
With Stephen Moore as Marvin
...and Peter Jones as The Book.

A man of nearly sixty talking to a teenage boy;
One-way communication brings the younger fellow joy.
The age gap didn't matter, magic words were all it took.
Written by Douglas Adams
...and Peter Jones as The Book

And now The Book has left us, and we're feeling sentimental,
For the quintessential Englishman with voice knowing and gentle.
Down on us now and then for Just a Minute he might look.
For God is in his Heaven
...and Peter Jones as The Book

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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