A Conversation for Biltong

Dead Meat?

Post 1

Researcher 196724

Do you get any other meat than dead? Biltong is, in fact, not "dead meat" that is "cooked in the sun". I know it's Africa we're talking about, but the sun ain't that hot over here. More acurately, it is meat "marinated" in salt and left to dry out. Cooking doesn't enter the equation. It's not in the sun either. It's dried inside where it is cool and slightly humid. And contrary to popular belief, you don't have to be raised by wild dogs to enjoy it. Oh yes, one last thing - it can be ostrich, cow, kudu, impala, gemsbok (oryx), chicken and even elephant. Next time you visit South Africa, or meet someone from the Rainbow nation, just ask them about biltong. Who knows, you might even like it!

The art of eating Biltong (was: Dead Meat?)

Post 2

Captain_SpankMunki [Keeper & Former ACE] Thanking <Diety of choice> for the joy of Goo.

Make sure you stock up on denture fix and have plenty of fresh water. smiley - smiley

Remember for every pint of sea water you drink you require 10 pints of fresh water to clear out the extra salt. Using this ratio for every 1 inch square piece of Biltong you have you will require 15 pints of fresh water - that is if you can chew your way through it smiley - smiley


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