A Conversation for The Useless Office

Uselessnessly answering!

Post 1

Insane Endeavour

I have a thingamibob, but the wheel fell off! Useless enough?


Uselessnessly answering!

Post 2

Hopelessly Paranoid

Indeed, tis worthy of our office... if thou could providest us with a pictogram of such a devise...

Why dost I speak ye olde language, I heareth thee cry...


Because 'tis useless... smiley - smiley

Uselessnessly answering!

Post 3

Insane Endeavour

I shall searcheth high and low for such a pictogram!

Ye old language is indeed great in thy uselessness! A valuable lesson in learning is when we doth the old language use!

Or something...


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