A Conversation for The h2g2 Language Thing- DANISH Department

The Language Thing- Danish Teaching Thread

Post 21

Kat - From H2G2

smiley - biggrin*bounces thread up*

I think, and I've checked with other learners, that it would be easier for us to learn and apply what we can see, if it's infront of us. So like...written lists of

you plural:

etc etc.

It's much better that way. I know that makes work for you lot, but hey

The Language Thing- Danish Teaching Thread

Post 22


One of the nicest things when you learn Danish is that those lists would look like this:

I/you/he/she/it/we/they/you: ...

It's all the same! smiley - ok

The Language Thing- Danish Teaching Thread

Post 23

Kat - From H2G2

smiley - yikes How can that work!! That's like...like...using "one" for everything!

Doesn't one find that one gets terribly confused when one is talking to one and one all laugh at one because one can't converse with one properly. smiley - erm

The Language Thing- Danish Teaching Thread

Post 24


Erm... well, maybe I misunderstood your list. Actually it's *almost* as easy in English.
I thought you meant to put something behind I/you/he/etc., which makes sense when you learn for example German or French, but not for Danish:

I run - jeg løber
you run - du/De løber
he/she/it runs - han/hun/den/det løber
we run - vi løber
you run - I løber
they run - de løber

The Language Thing- Danish Teaching Thread

Post 25

Kat - From H2G2

Jeg er en kat! smiley - cat

Where are all those people who wanted to learn Danish!? I found Danish people, I made a page...I can't do much more if you don't come here and learn!

*pulls out some desks and chairs and sits at one with a pencil in hand*

The Languege Thing- Danish Teaching Thread

Post 26


Hej allesammen
(Hi everybody)

I would like to join as a teacher, and I will introduce myself:

Jeg hedder Norbera. Jeg er seksten år og jeg bor i Danmark.
My name is Norbera. I'm sixteen years old and I live in Denmark.

That's not very complicated, at least not if you are danish smiley - smiley

Well at last I should say that my main problem as a teacher, is that I'm not that good at english smiley - winkeye


The Languege Thing- Danish Teaching Thread

Post 27

Kat - From H2G2

Heya! I'm sure you'll be absolutely fine. Feel free to teach anything you like, bearing in mind that we're beginners. Some of the things that have been taught I have to admit have gone straight over my head. Maybe I'm not paying attention enough.

Besides I'm assessing everyone to see how often they're around and how well they teach to decide who should be the head of the departmentsmiley - biggrin.

The Languege Thing- Danish Teaching Thread

Post 28


Thank you!

Then I think that I would begin, by saying, that we in danish have 2 genders. They are called the common gender and the neuter gender, and they goes like this:

a table - et bord
a house - et hus

a car - en bil
a dog - en hund

Well that was the word for a/an (en/et)

When you want to say "the house", you just sort of take the (en/et), and put it behind the word:

the table - bordet
the house - huset

the car - bilen
the dog - hunden

notice the endings...

Farvel fra nu
(Buy for now)

The Languege Thing- Danish Teaching Thread

Post 29

Santragenius V

Velkommen Norbera smiley - smiley [Welcome Norbera - though I guess everyone had that figured out smiley - winkeye)

The Languege Thing- Danish Teaching Thread

Post 30


I'm still pondering how to explain to pronounce the words.

I know there is a phonetic 'language' for instance in dictionaries - but it doesn't enlighten me smiley - erm

I had a look at the mandarin-thing and it seems sensible to try and explain the sounds with the eqivalent in English words. It requires time, though. And how to explain the glottal stop is beyond me this cold and wet morning.

And x-mas is knocking on the door.

Christmas = jul (j is pronounced as the first sound in 'yes' - u like the double oo in fool - and l like in fool.) yool - Like the actor Youl (sp?) Brunner - but cut the vowel and the word short.

The Languege Thing- Danish Teaching Thread

Post 31


Åh - og hej Norbera. smiley - smiley Har du besøgt de Nordiske Researcheres Klub?

Oh - and hi Norbera. smiley - smiley Have you visited the Nordic Researchers Club?


The Languege Thing- Danish Teaching Thread

Post 32


Tak for velkomsten Tartaronne & Santragenius!

(Thanks for the welcome Tartaronne & Santragenius!)

No haven't yet visited the Nordic Researchers Club, but it's only a matter of minuts before I will... didn't know there was such a club before this afternoon.

As to the pronunciation I can see that it's a tricky one smiley - smiley, guess people just have to come visit us...

The Languege Thing- Danish Teaching Thread

Post 33


Jeg hedder Hati og jeg er ester. Jeg kan ikke tale dansk.
I am Hati and I am Estonian. I can't speak Danish. smiley - smiley

The Languege Thing- Danish Teaching Thread

Post 34


Men det ser ud til at du kan skrive dansk?

(But it seems like you can write danish?)

"ser", is the present form of the verb "at se", which means "to see/look"

I see a man - jeg ser en mand
I look at the man - jeg ser på manden

The Languege Thing- Danish Teaching Thread

Post 35


Jeg laeste dansk sidste ar. Men det vaeret ikke tilstraekkelig. Jeg har en ordbog. smiley - winkeye
I learnt Danish last year. But this was not enough. I have a dictionary. smiley - winkeye

(And I am too lazy for trying to remember the numbers for Danish characters. smiley - winkeye Umm, and please correct all the mistakes I made. smiley - smiley)

The Languege Thing- Danish Teaching Thread

Post 36

Santragenius V

OK smiley - smiley

(was close though)

Only thing: Men det _var_ ikke tilstrækkeligt...

('var' is past tense of 'at være' = 'to be')

The Languege Thing- Danish Teaching Thread

Post 37


To be / at være

I am / jeg er
I was / jeg var
I have been / jeg har været
I had been / jeg havde været

smiley - winkeye

The Languege Thing- Danish Teaching Thread

Post 38


Irregular verbs are tricky. smiley - silly

The Languege Thing- Danish Teaching Thread

Post 39


Meget sandt, men det er vel grunden til at vi elsker dem?
(very true, but that may be the reason why we love them?)

The Languege Thing- Danish Teaching Thread

Post 40


smiley - laugh Vores grammatik er vanskeligere.
Our grammar is more complicated.

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