A Conversation for The h2g2 Language Thing- DANISH Department

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Post 1


Velkommen smiley - spacesmiley - biggrin

(= welcome - who'd have guessed! smiley - winkeye )

Here to learn Danish

Post 2


i am here to learn Danish.

Here to learn Danish

Post 3

Kat - From H2G2

Great I'll add you to the list as soon as I...remember smiley - blush

In the meantime, go and introduce yourself in the Teaching Thread F1956017?thread=537652&latest=1

It doesn't matter what level your Danish is or anything, just dive in and I'm sure there will be people around to help you.

Have fun

Here to learn Danish

Post 4


Jeg kan snakke dansk.
(Hi, I can speak danish)
((pron. something like "Hi, yej(a soft j-like sound deep in the throat) cann snakkø dainsk))

As you might notice, I do not know how to use the official phonetic alphabet, but if I can be of any help to anybody as a teacher I would be glad.

This is fun.


Here to learn Danish

Post 5


Hej Cissdur

As you can see, this is not the most busy thread at h2 smiley - winkeye

There is the Nordic Researcher's Club at A614567 where there are more people around - although I don't know if any of them are interested in learning Danish smiley - winkeye

Hilsner (greetings)

sunny smiley - smiley

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