A Conversation for The h2g2 Language Thing- DANISH Department

two last things ;-)

Post 1


smiley - wow two last things smiley - winkeye

two last things ;-)

Post 2

Kat - From H2G2

Two last things...what?

Stop cluttering up your department smiley - biggrin

two last things ;-)

Post 3


A3345220 :

One last thing - happy speaking!

One last last thing! The Danish Alphabet differs from the English one. Before taking part please read A292682 to find out more. Thank you

two last things ;-)

Post 4

Kat - From H2G2

It's supposed to be like that!!

*chases sunny away into the danish conversation threads*

Go speak Danish and stop making me feel sillysmiley - winkeye

two last things ;-)

Post 5


ok smiley - winkeye

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