A Conversation for Home of The Thursdayites

Thursday Thirst Bar

Post 4201

F F Churchton

I think you deserve a drink for that!

Thursday Thirst Bar

Post 4202


I'm still waiting for a mile stone... I think...

Thursday Thirst Bar

Post 4203

Dr. Megabite

In 39 more posts time (4242) I think counts as a milestone...

Thursday Thirst Bar

Post 4204


Doubt I'll get it though...

Thursday Thirst Bar

Post 4205

Dr. Megabite

I've never had a milestone *sniff* but hey, you might get lucky. You've just got here, right?

Thursday Thirst Bar

Post 4206


smiley - erm I've been here before!

Thursday Thirst Bar

Post 4207

Dr. Megabite

When did you join?

Thursday Thirst Bar

Post 4208


A while ago...

Thursday Thirst Bar

Post 4209

Dr. Megabite

But... but...

Okay, this is embarassing. Sorry...

Thursday Thirst Bar

Post 4210


Haven't posted for a few week... don't wprry 'bout it smiley - biggrin

Thursday Thirst Bar

Post 4211

Dr. Megabite

I've never seen you around before...

Thursday Thirst Bar

Post 4212


Me think's me seen you around before... perhaps...

Thursday Thirst Bar

Post 4213

F F Churchton

I've seen all four of you before smiley - cdouble

Thursday Thirst Bar

Post 4214

miraculousrandomness - being elvised is hard but so is changing your title so I wont

Whats been happening here

Thursday Thirst Bar

Post 4215


I/you/they don't know?smiley - biggrin

Interesting.........veeeeerrryyy interesting.smiley - tea

Thursday Thirst Bar

Post 4216

F F Churchton

Oh my goddess, well Evilclaw came in right. He was all like 'yeah' like and I was all like 'wicked' then went 'you know this thing don't ya right' and I was like 'Oh my gosh'. Then Thursday came in I was like 'hi' then he said, your never going to believe this right, 'hello'. Then he said 'this is well wicked' then I said 'yeah this is like well wicked', then Evilclaw came back yeah and said 'yeah this yeah this is well wicked'. Then I said am' a bovered, he was like totally and took the shame yeah. He then attacked a spoon yeah and I was like 'that was totally cool yeah...your frosting yeah'. Then Thursday right, did this phing yeah and I was totally like I my goddess. Then you two came in...

Thursday Thirst Bar

Post 4217


......and still!.....tuna's on special offer at your favourite emporium. Get it while you can (he he! can? get it?!)smiley - laugh

To more serious things......I'll have a cup of Jasmine tea if any's going and a belated good day to all on here,smiley - teasmiley - cake

Thursday Thirst Bar

Post 4218


......and still!.....tuna's on special offer at your favourite emporium. Get it while you can (he he! can? get it?!)smiley - laugh

To more serious things......I'll have a cup of Jasmine tea if any's going and a belated good day to all on here.smiley - teasmiley - cake

Thursday Thirst Bar

Post 4219

miraculousrandomness - being elvised is hard but so is changing your title so I wont

*to AA*

That made sense smiley - erm kinda smiley - erm can you repeat the last part?

Thursday Thirst Bar

Post 4220

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

I didn't know I was here...

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