The Thursday Job Centre

13 Conversations

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Listed below are the jobs available for you to take up1. The amount of effort required by the jobs varies from "none whatsoever" to "just give it to B..." smiley -

Job TitleJob descriptionAvailability
FounderThe person in control of the whole general mish-mashTaken forever by Thursday
Member's PageBe the one in charge of the Member's Page and associated pages and threads.Taken by Master B
Official NemesisBe the Official Nemesis of the Thingites.Taken (perhaps forever) by Ottox
The BardWe need someone with a creative mind to write a few poems and songs about Thursday.Taken by Skenvoy
Keeper of the Kiwi SpoonsWe badly need someone to look after the sacred item of the Campaign... If you want you can have your own page smiley - bigeyesTaken by What_is_life
SpyThe Thingites and Sporkites are forever scheming to destroy us all... We need someone to lurk around their base and keep a watchful eye on them. You must be strong though - once you turn down the Thing path, it will forever guide your destiny...2Taken by miraculousrandomness3
ProsthetistIf anyone needs a limb replacing, or would like an extra arm4, then the prosthetist is the person to go to.Taken by bubba-fretts
Radio Thursday Two hostThis is a highly flexible job, and you can choose whatever you want to put on your channel (and your page...)Taken by DarkListener
Radio Thursday Four hostA job nearly fouled up by my inane stupidity...Taken by Lady Admiral Ayeka
Resident AlcoholicWe're looking for someone who likes to drink and isn't ashamed. Any takers? smiley - laugh (You get your own page...)Taken by Blackberry Cat
Resident smiley - lighthouseThe one who lights the way...Taken by Lady Admiral Ayeka
Eater of ChocolateWe need someone to reduce the ever growing surplus of chocolate on the Campaign for Thursday site - we just don't know what to do with it any more...Taken by Captain Khamsin
Thursdayite in charge of all things lost that were left there only just the night beforeSelf explanatory really...Taken by SANCHO_PANSA
Official Protector of the Rest of the WeekProtector of Monday5, Tuesday, Wednesday6, Friday, Saturday and SundayTaken by d586poetpaul
Official Counter of PostingsCounter of the number of Thursdayite postingsTaken by Dr. Megabite

The jobs in bold are available right now. If you would like to apply for a job, simply post a message below on the appropriate thread. Thankyou!

If you want a job not listed here, just ask nicely and you never know, you might get it... smiley - winkeye

1Provided that you're a Thursdayite smiley - 2Unless you're Ottox smiley - laugh3Previously taken by the now-elvised JC4Just like Zaphod Beeblebrox, only a prosthetic arm, not a real one...5This is Sergeant Laurel Wreath's job in the Campaign for the Rest of the Week6This is Katkodl's job along with Vice Protector of the Weekend in the Campaign for the Rest of the Week

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