A Conversation for Tim Hortons: Canada's Unofficial Town Hall

A3305189 - Tim Hortons: Canada's Town Hall

Post 21

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

I should clarify, too, that my use of the "correctly" was meant to highlight the fact that there is an alternate and no "correct" spelling..... certainly not to cast aspersions on the spelling ability of a certain Rev. of my acquaintance, especually as he might be acquainted with large, male, pinkie-less members of a certain element of Japanese underculture..... smiley - rofl

A3305189 - Tim Hortons: Canada's Town Hall

Post 22

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

D'oh... Accidental unsubscribe...

A3305189 - Tim Hortons: Canada's Town Hall

Post 23


I've just been looking over our revision and the original and I've sort of been thinking that it should probably go to Peer Review rather than Update Forum since it has really turned into a major rewrite. I've asked the Editors for advice.smiley - erm

A3305189 - Tim Hortons: Canada's Town Hall

Post 24


But, in fact, I've been informed that it is in the right place.

In my opinion this piece is ready. Does anybody else have anything for it?

A3305189 - Tim Hortons: Canada's Town Hall

Post 25

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Looks great! Well done. As an aside (not for inclusion), the local Teamsters that work in the film industry have a rider in their contract that if coffee and doughnuts are provided they should be Tim's if possible. smiley - coffeesmiley - oksmiley - donut

A3305189 - Tim Hortons: Canada's Town Hall

Post 26


smiley - laugh

A3305189 - Tim Hortons: Canada's Town Hall

Post 27


Okay. It looks like there's definitely nothing more to add. So, whenever someone has a minute, I suppose this could move on.smiley - smiley

A3305189 - Tim Hortons: Canada's Town Hall

Post 28

Number Six

To the uninitiated foreigner, this looks great to me smiley - ok

Exactly the kind of thing I first came to the Guide in search of...

smiley - mod

A3305189 - Tim Hortons: Canada's Town Hall

Post 29

Gnomon - time to move on


I've had a look through this and it is very well written. There are a few minor typos which should be cleared up.

Although the British spelling is doughnut rather than donut, I think it would be stupid to insist on that spelling in this entry when the name of the company includes the North American spelling.

poutine -- I don't know what that is. Does it deserve a footnote?

at more than reasonable prices - do you mean "better than reasonable prices"?

1 shop per 300 residents --> one shop per 300 residents

You have a quotation in double quotes. It should be in single quotes.

The typos:

There are still quite a few places in the entry where you say Tim Horton's with an apostrophe. I counted at least three.

Missing full stop after "les donuts de Tim Horton"

U.S. divistion --> US division

chili --> chilli

broccolli --> broccoli

mens curling --> men's curling

smiley - oksmiley - donut

A3305189 - Tim Hortons: Canada's Town Hall

Post 30


There. I think I got them all. Including a brief footnote on Poutine (there really needs to be an entrysmiley - erm).

Thanks Gnomon.smiley - cheers

A3305189 - Tim Hortons: Canada's Town Hall

Post 31

Gnomon - time to move on

divistion --> division

smiley - smiley

A3305189 - Tim Hortons: Canada's Town Hall

Post 32


smiley - yikes

That's the last time I cut-and-paste from something Mudhooks writes.smiley - grr

smiley - biggrin

A3305189 - Tim Hortons: Canada's Town Hall

Post 33

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

That is the bona fide, Ottawa Valley spelling.... smiley - whistle

A3305189 - Tim Hortons: Canada's Town Hall

Post 34

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Do we have any Quebequois researchers? They should really be the ones to explain poutine in an entry. No one else can wax poetic about chips, gravy, and cheese curds! smiley - biggrin Or explain the entymology of the name.....smiley - erm

A3305189 - Tim Hortons: Canada's Town Hall

Post 35


"entymology"? insects?

I've been thinking about the poutine one myself. My father's from Montreal, does that count?

I'm pretty sure I can wax poetic about pretty much anything, by the way.

smiley - smiley

A3305189 - Tim Hortons: Canada's Town Hall

Post 36

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Well then, wax my car!


I add one little *n* and you go all professorial on me! smiley - tongueout

A3305189 - Tim Hortons: Canada's Town Hall

Post 37


You know, I was just sitting around wondering why it was that New York Fries has such good poutine. "New York?" I thought. Then I went looking. Turns out New York Fries is another Canadian company! Head office on Yonge Street. Stores in Canada, Australia, Korea and the United Arab Emirates. But none in the U.S.

Go figure.


A3305189 - Tim Hortons: Canada's Town Hall

Post 38

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Just a few other links:

Ode to Poutine by Mona Awad (Realaudio):


En francais. Viv le poutine libre!: http://www.scarabee.com/TRANCHES/poutine.html

The birthplace of poutine was, apparently, Warwick, Quebec...: http://www.members.shaw.ca/kcic1/poutine.html (this may be apocryphal --well, perhaps not the last bit-- but "Poutine is Acadian slang for mushy mess and is best described as a heart attack in a bowl.")

The best international reference to poutine not actually referring to the food-stuff was when Rick Mrecer asked George Bush felt that "Jean Poutine" had endorsed his run for President (the first election). Bush's response was: "Great, great! I appreciate his strong statement. He understands I believe in free trade," Bush replied. "He understands I want to make sure our relations with our most important neighbour to the north of us, the Canadians, is strong and we'll work closely together."

The PMO's office responded to news of the prank with: "Clearly, Canada is not in the Bush leagues."

...and, now Poutine, the cartoon!: http://poutine.thesketchpad.net/

The largest poutine in the world. (Caution! Graphic and disturbing images of mushy food!): http://www.dirtynerdluv.org/2004/11/an_ode_to_the_g.html

Poutine on the CBC: http://archives.cbc.ca/IDC-1-69-1371-8372/life_society/canadian_food/clip5
You might also want to check out the butter-tart page, too: http://archives.cbc.ca/400d.asp?id=1-69-1371-8373

A version of poutine from Moncton, New Brunswick: http://archives.radio-canada.ca/IDC-0-10-1401-8785/vie_societe/mets_canadiens/clip2 Translation: "Round and sticky, the grated poutine is an acadian speciality of the area of Moncton. This dish, known of all the Acadian ones, is made of a volume of potato râpure believed for three volumes of crushed mashed potatoes and of pieces of bacon.

In September 1970, the father Clement Cormier, director of the Acadian Research center of the University of Moncton, speak about the grated poutine. It affirms that it is necessary to eat at least seven of them before liking it."

Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poutine

And, in the "What!? Are you out of your Freaking mind?" category.... Vegan Poutine: http://vegweb.com/recipes/quick/2655.shtml If you thought poutine was sickening.... It just goes to show you that some vegetarians are just plain nuts.

Just to let you know that the world's worst poutine can be had at the Canadian Museum of Civilization in Hull, Quebec....

Overcooked deep-fat-fried fast-fry home-fries which have been sitting in the heat-tray all morning (left-over from breakfast)
Cheese curds which have been sitting on the back of the heat tray all day
Salty, greasy "industrial" gravy

A3305189 - Tim Hortons: Canada's Town Hall

Post 39


Okay. Mudhooks can write the poutine entry.smiley - smiley

A3305189 - Tim Hortons: Canada's Town Hall

Post 40

rev. paperboy (god is an iron)

crikey, I think she just did!

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