A Conversation for S.T.U.M.P.E.D. Rogue's Gallery

Have Towel will travel

Post 1

Someone You Know(GrandHighMaster Of All Things Unsanitary And In Need Of A Good Clean Before The Neighbours Come Round)

Although technically a hero of the revolution I can turn my hand to anything!!! Damn good pilot, good shot, close personal combat with various types of fish a speciality, have own towel, secondary towel, concealable mini towel and emergency back up ankle-holstered flannel (seriously). Can fly most space ships, Correlian YT-1300's a further speciality, grade one infinite improbability drive proficiency certificate forgable on demand. Full working knowledge of egg whisks. Can type 1273.5 words a minute, shoot 600 rounds per minute do 12 revolutions a minute and several other actually useful skills as well!! Impressed? apply within (within what? Iv'e always wondered.) reasonable rip-offs available, first 3 applicants get oath of not quite bankrupting through embezzlement, stabbing in back to take hard earned ill-gotten gains and betrayal for 1/2 price!!
Big Bad Bolshevik Bob. Hero of the revolution and bad-ass (should that be a hyphenate? do you know? do you care?). Must provide own nunnery (en-suite chipshop not an issue due to shrapnel wounds from 'Nam)

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