A Conversation for Foodieboard Meet Up

Brum meet

Post 921



smiley - boing


Brum meet

Post 922


smiley - boing
'ello grassy, you still about or have i missed you?

Brum meet

Post 923


Just read back, soz 4 making you itch smiley - dragon and smiley - smiley (thats smileycarole by the way) the point is they are eek free! I ended up ringing the Nan back and apologising for being rude ( I near enough put the phone down on her)Whats that all about?

Deedee needs sleep and less stress methinks!

Brum meet

Post 924


Hi DDee,

Sorry to hear your problems with DH, my dad is similar, much better now but as kids we walked on egg shells.
He had a nervous breakdown when I was 10ish. this brought things to a head & frightened us & him. He still looses the plot from time to time but usally over major things now where at one time we would be in for a weekend of hell if we looked at something wrong or questioned anything.

I feel for you & hope he gets the help he needssmiley - hug

Brum meet

Post 925


I am getting all confused about where we are posting !! smiley - ermsmiley - doh

Off to get a cup of coffee now - Dee how is it working at home - did he get a second opinion?

smiley - dragon

Brum meet

Post 926


Just smiley - lurking

Anybode want a smiley - hug?

smiley - boing


Brum meet

Post 927


smiley - boing
and smiley - somersault wahey I can do that on a Sunday and not feel ill!
Not a drop of alcohol passed my lips yeaterday, may have something to do with getting in at 3am Saturday smiley - blush Great night out though smiley - smiley
Went for Thai Emerald and thoroughly enjoyed it

Brum meet

Post 928



smiley - boing


Brum meet

Post 929


smiley - boing
Morning all, normal service has resumed well he's gone back to work anyways thanx for the thoughts and smiley - hugssmiley - bubblysmiley - tea andsmiley - choc
smiley - cheerup

Brum meet

Post 930

Devonian Fossil

Morning Dee, glad to hear all OK smiley - hug - still think he should go and see someone for a proper diagnosis though, the next "episode" may be worse, don't want to think of you and the kids being so scared again. - I know something of how you feel, had to call the police on Son of Dev #1 last week, apparently not an arrestable offence though if he did the same outside or to someone else's home they'd lock him up and throw away the key smiley - sadface

Brum meet

Post 931


smiley - boing

Morning All,

Dee thats good news that he is feeling better but I agree with Dev he really should go and see someone before the next episode.

Dev smiley - hugsmiley - steam what a nightmare - have you tried a straight jacket???

Or maybe stapling him to the wall smiley - laughsmiley - bubbly

smiley - dragon

Brum meet

Post 932

Devonian Fossil

Hi Fi, love to staple him to the wall but expect I would be contravening a local bye-law or something and they'd cart me off for a twelve-stretch in Dartmoor smiley - erm

Brum meet

Post 933


Well Dartmoor - at least you would get some peace from him!!!

Pity about the company you would be keeping there though!!!!

I still think the straight jacket would be a good idea.

smiley - dragon

Brum meet

Post 934

Devonian Fossil

Haven't spoken to him all weekend, he's getting a bit worried by now smiley - biggrin

Just plonked dinner in front of him and stalked off - think he's worried I'll put him in a foster home - good to scare the little bu**er now and again smiley - ok

Brum meet

Post 935


You mean you cooked him dinner to plonk in front of him smiley - laugh I wouldnt have bothered.

Or maybe would have then thrown it over him smiley - devilsmiley - laugh

Or imagine if you plonked down a frozen pork chop, unpeeled uncooked potatoe, frozen peas and bisto powder on a plate and just went.

There you go!! smiley - devil

revenge is a dish best served cold smiley - whistle

Brum meet

Post 936


Aw Dev smiley - hug nightmare isnt it. Seems the kids get all the rights and we get naf all but the grief.
Playing slowly slowly catchy monkey with the seeing someone bit, hes doing some online tests so hopefully I can ease him in from there

Brum meet

Post 937

Devonian Fossil

Well, it was roast lamb and I had to do it for everybody else smiley - winkeye - besides which it makes him feel very very guilty smiley - ok

Dee, keep on pushing, subtle subtle subtle, you'll definitely need professional back up on this one, I think. Does he have manic "happy" times as well, or just angry ones? I used to have a friend with bi-polar, in her "normal" phases she could do the Times crossword in 15 minutes, and she even won the Weakest Link once. In her bad times, however, she would chain-smoke incessantly and had, erm, many male visitors in the hours of darkness. Very sad.

Brum meet

Post 938


Yep when hes up hes the bestest most wonderful person but when hes dark he spends hours and hours on the computer but not focusing on anything smiley - sadface

Brum meet

Post 939

Devonian Fossil

It must be the hardest thing to cope with smiley - hug - Stephen Fry's programmes on the subject are very insightful, I've also seen some of the comments that Monty Don has made about his own experience of living with bi-polar, particularly the winter months. Trouble is, when sufferers are in a "good" phase, they think it's OK to stop taking the medication, which leads to all sorts of trouble. smiley - sadface

Brum meet

Post 940


smiley - boing

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