A Conversation for Foodieboard Meet Up

Brum meet

Post 981


Dee smiley - hug

smiley - roflsmiley - rofl

My goldfish died smiley - cry

Brum meet

Post 982


Middle Ginger lost her last fish last week!
Did you see the size of that beast on breakfast yesterday? over a foot long smiley - yikes Thats a lot of batter smiley - whistle

Brum meet

Post 983


Morning hun smiley - hug

Missed it yesterday, had to come into work at 7am smiley - grr

I refuse to replace the fish this time it costs a fortune to keep buying new ones and pretending that their the same fish that have lived for 5 years to save upset.

Brum meet

Post 984


Aw smiley - hug hope the gremlins weren't too upset

Brum meet

Post 985



Dee - think there's a bit of tooth left in my gum.
Unless I can get it out tomorrow - will phone dentist for advice.

smiley - boing


Brum meet

Post 986


smiley - thepost
Evening Grassy did spot you on cb smiley - hug
Best get your tooth checked my little hoppy friend in case it leaves room for infection smiley - cuddle

Brum meet

Post 987


I was charged £50 for taking it out last Mon. I shouldn't have to pay to get it finished off after a week - should I? I don't know.

Don't want another big payment. smiley - yikes

smiley - boing


Brum meet

Post 988


Wouldnt have thought so Grassy but BCT would probably know more, as far as I am aware it would be considered the same treatment.

Brum meet

Post 989



smiley - boing


Brum meet

Post 990


smiley - boing

Brum meet

Post 991


smiley - boing

Grassy my husband woke up yesterday morning and his front tooth had fallen off his plate!!!

He looks even weirder now!! - he claims it was the cheese straw that he was eating smiley - erm no I have no idea either!!!

Brum meet

Post 992



smiley - boing


Brum meet

Post 993



smiley - boing

Brum meet

Post 994


smiley - boing right back at ya grassy
How ya doin?
Are your folks back yet?

Brum meet

Post 995



Came back yesterday teatime.

House-sitting again this weekend.

Older sis is off to the rugby & I'm looking after her mog.

smiley - boing


Brum meet

Post 996


I got dumped! smiley - sadface

I think we should have a foodie board blind date game to find me a decent man!!

Brum meet

Post 997


Oh Bab Im sooo sorry and you were made up too!
on another story did you link in to that group?

Brum meet

Post 998


I did check a site out on it and looked at the symptoms. I wasn't entirely sure they fitted me exactly but then as the night went on yesterday I began to see some similarities. I think I'll bear it in my and pay a bit more attention to the ups and downs and then possibly reassess.

Anyway...I was thinking- how much time do you get for lunch? I have a day off on wednesday if you fancied a sarnie somewhere??

Sod all men....I can't be arsed with committment-phobes!

Brum meet

Post 999


Em u got webcam? [email protected] got the elf going mental on my lap at mo but i'll try and have convo

Brum meet

Post 1000


Awwww Booti!

Have some smiley - choc, a smiley - stiffdrink, some smiley - cheerup & a smiley - hug

Cheer up hun - there's someone out there for everybode. smiley - ok

smiley - boing


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