A Conversation for Foodieboard Meet Up

Brum meet

Post 861

Devonian Fossil

I've had enough, I'm going to the pub smiley - ale

Catch you all on Friday, assuming we haven't all been banned by then smiley - grr

smiley - hug to all, especially Scott and JRC, we'll do our best for you guys.

Lisa x

Brum meet

Post 862


By Dev have one for me I have had to some work now and its no fun atall!!


Brum meet

Post 863


Didn't Holly start an alternative CB on her h2g2 page?

In case of emergencies??!!

smiley - smiley

Brum meet

Post 864


Its Karpol. Im lost again! have I been banned?
If so from what?

Brum meet

Post 865



Who'z been banned? Can anybode tell me what's going on?

smiley - boing


Brum meet

Post 866


Hi Karpol no, don't worry smiley - biggrin everyone got in rather a smiley - erm stew on the Chatterbox yesterday, but it's all been resolved now. Basically things got too risque and a lot of posts were modded and the Chatterbox shut down for about an hour. The Brum Meet is still on and as far as I know no-one's been banned from that yet!!

Brum meet

Post 867


I can't sleep! I was quite close to dropping off but then I suddenly thought about Greek ornaments and started smiley - wah with laughter all over again. Then I remembered a recipe I thought Scott might like to try and I now fear that sleep will elude me for a very long while.


It is a classic Greek recipe. And I would not now dream of posting it on the other site. It would be very nearly as dangerous as doing the ironing.

Brum meet

Post 868


Hello Grassy, sorry didn't mean to ignore you smiley - hug Scott Reborn and Jolly Rock Chick got banned on Wednesday. Scott had made a very naughty joke indeed smiley - rofl but Jolly Rock Chick wasn't even online. She was doing her ironing... and returned to find she'd been banned! Anyway, it turned out to be a mistake and the banning was revoked. Scott is back, not sure if he's in Premod or not.

Well I can feel sleep creeping back, so going to log off now.

Brum meet

Post 869


smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah

I've been sent to Coventry!

And I thought the meet up was supposed to be in Brum...........

Brum meet

Post 870


Gwen!!!! smiley - yikes

Most of the chatting seems to be on the email thread on the Captains h2g2 page....we are spread all over the place!!!!

Brum meet

Post 871



Off to hop in the shower - going out to eat later!

smiley - boing


Brum meet

Post 872


Hi Gwen,

Sorry- don't get a chance to most much in daytime- wasn't
ignoring you, promise! smiley - hug

Brum meet is still on and everyone raring to go as far as I
can see!

Carol is right though; last few days have seen everybody spread all over the place!
I think we have three CBs going on!

smiley - zen <------------------------------- Oooh I love this smiley!

Brum meet

Post 873


Morning Princess and Grassy,

Yes, it's completely confusing the number of different Chatterboxes!

I got trashed last night smiley - blush just doing a quick check of what I might or might not have posted smiley - yikes before going back to sleep. T'internet can be a dangerous place when you've had one too many!

The smilies are great, aren't they!



Brum meet

Post 874


I know what you mean Gwen T'internet and smiley - bubbly are a dangerous mix! smiley - laugh

Brum meet

Post 875


Hi Gwen and Dee,

Totally agree, I once got back to the pub just before midnight
and had the 'genuis' idea of leaving a post on CB!!

It was months ago, and I hope evryone has forgotten!
smiley - whistle
smiley - blush

Brum meet

Post 876

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Why what did it say. smiley - winkeye

Did you declare your undying love for me. smiley - whistle

Brum meet

Post 877


No No Captain, it was MONTHS ago, before you
were even born! smiley - whistle

Brum meet

Post 878

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Oh well!

Brum meet

Post 879


It's true!!!!

Brum meet

Post 880

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

I dont believe you! You're just mean!

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