A Conversation for Talking Point: Bottled Water

I forgot his name; former vice president of Clinton

Post 1


He insists that is absolutely absurd, that we use so much energy and waste, just for the fun of drinking water at every corner of the street. And it must be cold, of course.

I forgot his name; former vice president of Clinton

Post 2


Was that Al Gore?

I forgot his name; former vice president of Clinton

Post 3


Yes, Al Gore, of course. I could not get his name in my memory.

He really makes a point about what he said about water in plastic bottles.
It's also an illustration of a different problem than the finity of life at this globe.
It's the power of hypes, fashion, commercial imaginations that is very difficult to tackle, because it's not often a friendly behaviour towards nature, while we all, including me, do not believe that responsabillity is not the same as dull and grey.

Sorry for my English.
I'm very tired.

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I forgot his name; former vice president of Clinton

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