A Conversation for The h2g2 Poem

an answer

Post 61

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

he was so mean yes that is true
but the last word was given to you
we proved to him it did not work
but I feel yet he will claim his dirk(?)

an answer

Post 62


(yeah thats right, dirk being dagger...)

yes I know he will claim it so
that along this path he did make us go
but that is not so true
For he did make me fear you
for many things I was afraid to say
And it is his ault it was that way

an answer

Post 63

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

would you say them even yet?
I wonder... i would not bet
I know not what you wanted to say then
or yet we're in another place again
I am glad that then we met

an answer

Post 64


I'm so glad that we met too
I can't imagine life without you
I wanted to show you what I held dear
Even now, sometimes I do verily fear
that you wouldn't not have it so
and it is all because of him, y'know

an answer

Post 65

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

yes I know he was so wrong
someday he shall sing a different song
deny all that he said
or make a joke instead
I wish to know what you hold dear
so from me do not fear
I shall not turn you away
never in a day

an answer

Post 66


I have told you some of it
and show you where its writ
though I still do fear
you won't hold it near
I know you can't follow that path
for at you they would laugh
and you couldn't go back home
And would be left out to roam

an answer

Post 67

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

that path it is yet blocked for me
but not for long i hope to see
for some day not far I know
from home I'll strafe and I'll go
maybe to uni's call
but that then is not all
for there I shall be freer to go
along my way to and fro

an answer

Post 68


I really can't wait
for that very day
there is your fate
for when you get to say
then you make your own way

an answer

Post 69

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

yes that i do hope
shall go without much smoke
no fires in the air
no causes for dispair
then i shall be free
no binding rock for me
going on my way
where will i have to stay?

an answer

Post 70


I would you stay here
that you would be near
but I fear to do wrong
if yopu stayed too long
maybe once I'm gone
there would be room for one

an answer

Post 71

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

if you were not there
I'd fear to get into people's hair
though i know you wish to go
I wish it wasnt so
I fear you would regrete
the choices that you'd met
but i understand you want to leave
for a thing you do beleve

an answer

Post 72


would you have me not go
would you even tell me no?
I need to understand how you feel
and perhaps we can come to a deal
it would only be two short year
I don't even know if I can go I fear

an answer

Post 73

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

I would not hold you back
if you wish to walk that track
I'd only hope that you would come home
and not continue the world to rome
I would miss you greatly thats the truth
spend time thinking of you for strooth

an answer

Post 74


I would come home
Only the two year roam
I wouldn't run away
I promise you this day

an answer

Post 75

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

I may still be very sad
but aslong as you are glad
and promice to return
though for you I'll still yern
It seems so long a time
even in a rhyme
but if you must so depart
you go with all my heart

an answer

Post 76


I do not go today
when I go, I'll say
It won't be this year
that much now is clear
I would miss you too
you know that don't you?

an answer

Post 77

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

Yes that I do know
but I still feel low
to think you wont be near
that I do fear
but knowing you will come back
is something you best not lack
I shall wait and see
i hope it shall be

an answer

Post 78


Please do not feel low
I feel I must go
I don't want to hurt you
This I really want to do

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