A Conversation for The h2g2 Poem

an answer

Post 1

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

Well poet again we meet
it dosnot matter where the seat
your poems are good to read
i do enjoy them yes indeed

an answer

Post 2


smiley - blush
If you are sure
with head not sore
do you really like
Or should I go hike?

an answer

Post 3

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

Really I do them like
you better not start to hike
unless your coming somewhere close
then i wouldnt mind the most
It seems alas my poet dear
that you do hold a poets fear
you wonder what the critics say
but you do keep them at bay

an answer

Post 4


Why do I keep them at bay?
I want to know what they say
Y'know I can't stand suspense
Waiting so much makes no sense
I wish you were so very near
that you could be right here

an answer

Post 5

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

I'd like to sit upon your knee
to see you smile happely
if indeed you would do so
it would be worth the time you know
your poems arent at all bad
your thinking so makes me sad
a tallent a skill you have such
use it well it means so much

an answer

Post 6


I wish to use it so well
Though I can't always tell
because I stand far too near
so they are no longer clear
I guess we have a month to wait
Please don't get too irate

an answer

Post 7

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

Irrate I shall not be
although i shall think of thee
your poems good they are to be
even if you can not see
to be so close is a bless and curse

an answer

Post 8


You are good yourself
and it doesn't ruin health
Helps me feel a little better
its like writing a letter

an answer

Post 9

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

indeed it keeps health fair
stress floats away like air
I write nonsence and pointless dreams
you write reality or so it seems
yours are better to a point
not to write a poem joint

an answer

Post 10


I like to rhyme with you
I sometimes miss the cue
I write about all I know
sometimes it does come and go
I just wish to make you smile
Thats my aim, but it takes a while
I write nonsense just as well
from this verse can't you tell?

an answer

Post 11

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

I can tell very little here
i thought you knew of that my dear
I smile when you write to me
or when you just live happely
I laugh i cry I love you more
though you never do walk through that door
so sometime your verse i seek
just to make sure your not too meek

smiley - erm

an answer

Post 12


I know you don't make clear
all that you hold so dear
I am afraid to do so too
but then that you knew
Please sleep well my sweet
untill we again use our feet

an answer

Post 13

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

I feel there are things i cannot say
though i hope it does not cause dismay
I know you do keep things secrate there
though it is not your share
I do try to share my thoughts
for it does not cost me lots,
I shall sleep as well as i can
though my head does sometimes plan

an answer

Post 14


What revolves in your head?
does it make you dead
trying to kept things hid
I will make a bid
To find out what you know
so then you don't feel so low

an answer

Post 15

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

dreams of birds and mice
running with some rice
skipping to and frow
wherefor do they go

an answer

Post 16


thats so funny
here is some money
go buy a lollypop
and maybe a new topsmiley - winkeye

an answer

Post 17

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - laugh
but my dearest khamsin dear
I only want you near
I want to sit upon your knee
as happy as can be
but alas you see
that is not for me
so i shall fall asleep
yet you in my mind i keep

an answer

Post 18


A month shall have past
I'm sure it will go fast
Till I can hold her near
And call you my own dear

an answer

Post 19

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

it shall go fast I am sure
though while waiting time should be fewer
do not count the days
for that way the mind it sways
to yearn for time to fly

an answer

Post 20


I have so much I have to do
I kinda feel sorry for you
with nothing much up there
except to breathe the air
I wish you were now here
So then you wouldn't fear

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