Not Scientific Science
Created | Updated Oct 28, 2004

The future of the Human Species - Part 1: Are we in danger?
The sun, that celestial body which has always fascinated the human species, which differentiates night and day, which when angry, produces the fascinating auroras, is father to us all: humans, animals and plants. The sun is the father of life on Earth! But similarly to giving life, it will also take it away. This will be life's doomsday. No way can we escape from this if we stay put.
How do we escape? Where do we take refuge? Where will we start all over again? These are the main questions. Ok, I admit! Earth is not going to be affected by the sun right now. This is true. But it was only an illustration I made! There are many other dangers waiting.
Forget about the sun taking life away for a minute and think of a simple piece of rock floating in space. Then suddenly, it decides to crash on Earth killing all its inhabitants. What do we do if an asteroid dives on us?
You may think that we have the required technology to avoid collision but I, personally, am not so sure! To prove this let me inform you that only 90% of all these threatening objects are actually found by scientists. What about this other 10%? Nothing! No space agencies till now are trying to do anything. Do you think we are really prepared, now? Is life something we can play with?
Apart from asteroids, there are also other menacing-to-hit-Earth objects including comets. Remember the comet Shoemaker-Levy9? It wanted to obtain a better view of Jupiter. The result: engulfed by the planet that is, the comet simply crashed into Jupiter. This may happen to Earth too. If a comet were to hit Earth, it would be a real disaster. Extinction of life quasi-instantly! And humans for sure do not have the technology to avoid a comet impact.
If we do not want to be extinct, we will have to flee. We have to go elsewhere. But where? Where next?
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