Talking Point: I Wish I'd Said That!

3 Conversations

Dom Joly with gaffer tape over his mouth.

It happens to us all, and can be extremely frustrating. French philosopher Denis Diderot even coined a term to describe it: 'l'esprit de l'escalier' (literally meaning 'stairway wit' - when one is on the 'staircase' leaving the scene). Yes, we're referring to that maddening moment when, having been insulted, patronised or otherwise exasperated by one of your fellow human beings, the perfect retort springs to mind... too late!

In the heat of the moment it's all too easy to get tongue-tied – or worse, to bark back with a comment so unbelievably dumb sounding that you wish you'd kept schtum. It's true that, in certain situations, keeping one's trap shut is the best course of action anyway - not everyone takes kindly to swift, witty retorts (your boss, the traffic warden about to slap a ticket on your car, the large drunk man in the pub, for example) - but a perfectly executed comeback can bring your aggressor to their knees in a flash, while leaving you as smug as the cat who got the cream.

How do you fare in such predicaments? We'd love to hear from you...

  • Are you the killer comeback king, or do you find the moment is always long gone before you can redress the balance?

  • When was the last time you crushed someone's verbal onslaught with your razor-sharp wit? Can you recall what was said?

  • Do your verbal reactions ever land you in hot water? If so, when was the last time and what happened?'

  • Are you the kind of person who avoids confrontation at any costs?

  • What is the best comeback you've ever heard? If you can't remember any real-life quips, ones from the movies will do!

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