A Conversation for Talking Point: Has Reality TV Gone Too Far?

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Post 1


I live in Estonia and here the reality shows are still quite new, say 5-6 years or so have we seen them. The Farm, Survivor, Jungle Star, now Wife Swap and The Bar. Maybe I missed some. And they seem to be extremely popular though most of the people hate them. Celebrities don't mind - it's comes with being one, I guess. But some other people seem to be not too happy with it all. There have been court cases here already (well, actually they just wanted to start one these days) and ridiculous amount of media attention.
I still think I'd rather watch something else on TV. In general I think even American TV-soaps are better, at least from the educational point of view.
One more thing - they showd both local verson of the survivor and some US or UK thing also. Local one was worse, way worse. With a population of only one million it is something bit different, methinks, to make it work.
So, I think it's sick entertainment and I don't like to see other people feeling bad or embarrassed. Thanks Bob my TV has a remote control. smiley - winkeye

New to it all

Post 2

Steve K.

"Local one was worse, way worse."

That's kind of hard to imagine. smiley - doh

New to it all

Post 3


Good for you. smiley - winkeye
It may cause nightmares.

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