A Conversation for h2g2 Post 14.10.04
crashed all files, eh ?
several, a/k/a random Started conversation Oct 16, 2004
i prob'ly would sit, whimpering, in a corner of the belfry, under the printer that needs ink cartridges and debating myself over all this bush-kerry hoo-haw, hee-haw swirling amidst the AmSport desk if this thing crashed. (come to think of it, i already have.)
i have today de-fragged this box o'circuits, run the norton antivirus thru, declined kind offers to join this and that chat room for four bleeping hours now and am about ready to divert future e-mails to a post office box at mt. st. helens at the bottom of the lava flow.
i have files i didn't know i had and only want to save fragments of, pictures i used once that REFUSE TO BE THROWN AWAY LIKE I TOLD THEM TO and i'm glad my editor had a safe time.
sayeth a and a
crashed all files, eh ?
Post Team Posted Oct 20, 2004
The new hard drive didn't fix the problem so it has been dispatched to a repair shop - the think it is the processor so I am computerless for the time being.
crashed all files, eh ?
several, a/k/a random Posted Oct 20, 2004
luckily, $26.75 for a new 'memory chip' got me back online here in the belfry as i huddled in front of the teevee for three days, watching baseball and reading a tom clancy novel and another book (i dunno what.)
crashed all files, eh ?
Post Team Posted Oct 20, 2004
Lucky you! I've been slaving over this Post for over 12 hours now and am looking at about the same amount of time still to go...
crashed all files, eh ?
several, a/k/a random Posted Oct 21, 2004
carefully monitoring doses of coffee, teas, doughnuts and copious amounts of Pan-Galactic Gargle Blasters can produce some post-deadline euphoria, as the adrenaline and biomorphins ebb and flow.
looks like another great job, as usual.
i can only imagine the time, ability and determination it takes to collect so many disparate (desperate ?) writers into one coherent space. (i was going to reply overnight, but know not to joggle mine editor's elbow on deadline.)
crashed all files, eh ?
Post Team Posted Oct 21, 2004
Good thinking - especially with dear Greebo away!
I survive mostly on with a few biscuits - I have now found a supply of Oreos at my local supermarket - and (last night) a bowl of
followed by a couple of 'toetjes met room' which is rather like a creamy custard confection topped with (allegedly) whipped cream.
crashed all files, eh ?
Post Team Posted Oct 21, 2004
What? Pretzels and or
and biccies?
The only way I can get my fix of salt 'n vinegar is by buying Pringles - a pretty good excuse eh? The Dutch seem obssessed with odd flavours like paprika.
crashed all files, eh ?
several, a/k/a random Posted Oct 23, 2004
there is paprika, and there is hungarian paprika, which i swear is mixed with jalapeno pepper. a definite staple in leftovers.
YES on the Pringles salt and vinegar--i can snack on only so much fruit and veggies, just have to watch i don't eat the whole package....at one sitting.
and peanut butter. i can (and have) existed on peanut butter.
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crashed all files, eh ?
- 1: several, a/k/a random (Oct 16, 2004)
- 2: Post Team (Oct 20, 2004)
- 3: several, a/k/a random (Oct 20, 2004)
- 4: Post Team (Oct 20, 2004)
- 5: several, a/k/a random (Oct 21, 2004)
- 6: Post Team (Oct 21, 2004)
- 7: several, a/k/a random (Oct 21, 2004)
- 8: Post Team (Oct 21, 2004)
- 9: several, a/k/a random (Oct 23, 2004)
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