A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 1

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Ah, this is good. The number 11 is good, it's the hexagram of Peace. We enjoy good discussion here, in between earthquakes, and the company is excellent.

No soliciting.

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 2

Garius Lupus

Oh, oh, I'm here first!

*Walks over and give Springie a pat.*

Feeling a little blah today, girl?

*Goes and sits near the window, at the opposite end to Violet.*

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 3

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Violet seems to be satisfied with the little chunk of beef I gave her. I certainly did see the Little Shop of Horrors, and if I think she's becoming too ... enthusiastic, I'll cut her back to Milorganite.

I recollect reading that Twain originally called Puddnhead Wilson "Those Terrible Twins" -- and that they were Siamese twins in a prior version.

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 4

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

That was a more serious quake. Let go, Springie. I think, Violet, that you are in a perilous place on the window while these temblors are going on. *finds occasional table and places Violet on it, at window*

OK, at least you won't fall a distance. This occasional table is occasionally a chair, but that won't hurt either.

It really kills one's desire for a substantive discussion, though, doesn't it, to constantly be looking up at the ceiling...

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 5

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Lil, you may be interested in this passage from my forthcoming book, "Zen and the art of battery maintenance - illustrations by Lil of Florida'.

Once a month undo the caps on the top of the battery and make sure the water level is up to the marked line. If it is below the level then top them up with distilled (rain) water. This will add years to the life of your new battery.

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 6

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

There needs to be a prequel, Looney, on opening the bonnet or hood and learning to identify what you find.

My car suffered from inactivity during my illnesses which, according to the latest revelation, are really all one illness anyway. The dealership -- which is trustworthy -- did try to restore (I have suddenly forgotten how to spell resuscitate) the existing battery, but found it good for nothing but euthanasia.

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 7


*wanders in and sits down, wipes brow after reading all his backlog*
Phew, that has taken me ages.
Lil, I thought that the xray had been clear. Or at least the clinic had given you the all clear. Such is the problem of not seeing your own doctor. Still as you say, being optomistic is definately the best way.

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 8

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I suspect that reading xrays is an art not unlike reading horoscopes smiley - smiley

Yes, the dr. I saw said my lung were all clear, but the pulmonary specialist who looked at them later -- 10 days later! -- espied pneumonia, so they just called me today.

As you've taken a fairly hard line about the anti-Welsh sentiments on boberette's page, Babel, what do you think about the stuff in the Ladies and Gents threads at the cafe?

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 9

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Tomorrow I'll get some painting done. Perhaps I'll even paint Violet.
Definitely, I have some more mugs to do!

*goes into private apartments*

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 10

Researcher 99947


yawn. i have tomorrow off. wahoo. ive decided to forgo punctuation for a bit. it is quite hard to pull off.

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 11


It's not so much a hard line, more what is part of the Terms and Conditions of h2g2, which I admit, I have broken myself. And looking back on it i'm not proud of what I have said in the past, but in my defence I have, i feel (others might not) that I have matured with regard to my posts on h2g2. If I have nothing to say, i say nothing.
That business with regard to the Cafe a few weeks ago really got me riled, and kept me like that for nearly a whole week!
As for the Ladies & Gents threads, again I have contributed, after reading the full backlog, but I generally tried to keep it lighthearted, with a slightly risque style. Again, when I first posted, I thought it was all in fun, but then generally it is the same people posting and the same sort of drivel. And to cap it all, there are some well known names involved!
Generally there are three things to bear in mind when contributing to this site. They are:
1. Abide by the Terms & Conditions
2. Think about the wide ranging ages of people who frequent this site
and 3. While there is space here for 'playing' lets not forget DNA's original aim for the site, which is a repository for information a la 'The Guide', available to everyone. I have changed my general attitude towards some of the threads I was frequenting, esp. after QMike's recent incident. So I have just toned down my input. if I can't think of something humerous and clean to say, I won't say anything other than 'LOL' or smiley - smiley
Unfortunately, just by their very nature the L & G threads are going to provoke people into doing the very things that are already going on within them. It would take a lot of dedicated people quite a long time to turn those threads around, but the only point in that would be to see them killed off.
You would end up with lots of people posting threads along the lines of 'goes in to use the facilities, washes hands, leaves' which is tedious and time consuming. the thread might die, but it would get ressurected again at some point, and we would have to go through the rigmarole of the mundane posts again until it slipped into obscurity.
A vicious circle we can all do without.

sorry for the length of that. Just trying to cover all bases with that one smiley - smiley

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 12


wowser, I have been typing for so long i missed 2 posts.
Hello Sporky's Calling Card. Hopefully your owner has made some headway with transparent gif's. smiley - smiley

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 13

Researcher 99947


niet, niet smiley - sadface

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 14


Shame. I couldn't find anything of any relevance in my magazines either. However, the search shall continue! smiley - winkeye

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 15

Researcher 99947


I was thinking of downloading gimp but, alas, the size is quite enormous and with my connection....

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 16


What IS gimp? That is the second reference I have come across today.

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 17

Researcher 99947

An art program, of exceptional abilities, first released as a free linux product, then brought over to windoze

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 18


Yes, it was in connection to Linux, but I didn't know exactly what it was nor that it was available for winzzzzzz

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 19

Researcher 99947

It is quite good... but 10M size smiley - sadface

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 20


Yes a bugger to download.
If I knew where to get it, I would burn you a cd and send it over.
Well, I would attempt to download it etc etc.

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