A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 41


I think the question you meant is "Is it good for us, or good for others". BTW, I don't have any involvement in that one either. Not at all. Don't even think that I'm at least indirectly behind every single scandal and military foul up. I am not concealing the world's only evidence of UFOs. I'm not even definite about who the man on the grassy knole was. Enough with the third degree!
smiley - winkeye

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 42


I wouldn't have thought that someone with such impeccable credentials would be directly involved with such things. I just thought it seemed a suitable point in the discussion to interject that the british secret service and army can bungle things up like this just as well as any of the US counterparts smiley - bigeyes

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 43

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

This happened in NZ a few years ago. A secret service goon left his briefcase on a train. When opened by the police it was found to contain his credentials, a meat pie and a copy of Playboy magazine.

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 44

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Ah, the Queen's Handbag game. What's in the suitcase along with the two hard drives and instructions for use of contents, which is as much as they admitted on NPR tonight?

Let's see.
A postcard from Thule, Greenland.

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 45


LOL smiley - smiley

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 46

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

As I undersrtand it, the two hard drives contain instructions for dismantling nuclear weapons.

When you go to your local WalMart and and spot the nuclear bomb sitting smuggly in the ladies lingerie department you ring up the FBI who send the bomb disposal team to dismantle said bomb.

Why on earth would that information be kept secret? A wiser country would have posted it on the Internet.

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 47

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

"a wiser country"? Oh dear, Looney. Have some more tea.

But for that matter, how does the dismantling of a nuclear weapon require the presence of a computer of the right make, motherboard and CMOS settings that just happens not to have a hard drive of its own?

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 48

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Sips tea. Ponders navel.

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 49

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

I fail to see how these kind of instructions could be viewed as a security hazard. Unless someone manages to dismantle our entire arsenal, I don't think it's going to matter. And I find the idea of in-flight disarmings to be just a bit on the fanciful side. smiley - winkeye

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 50


To do in-flight disarmament do you have to ride the missile like in Dr. Strangelove?

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 51

Researcher 99947

Hmm... it is all frightfully boring on this end. Believe you me, if someone wanted to build an atomic bomb, and had access to highly volatile nuclear material, well, I guess they'd build a bomb.

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 52


Tis true, as many a 1980's film would have us believe.
Also didn't someone publish the blueprints and a step by step guide on the net once on how to construct a nuclear bomb?

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 53

Researcher 99947

They've been around forever. It is just that every country has their "own" little atomic bomb, you know... a "mine's bigger than your's" attitude

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 54


I don't see how the USA and Russia can be in talks on decommissioning Nuclear arsenals when places like China are not included in the talks.
And especially when it only takes someone like Gadafi or Hussein to fire one missile and watch as the world as we know it disintegrates into the dark ages again.

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 55

Researcher 99947

Only a species as assanine as ours would develop such a hideous means of self-extermination smiley - sadface

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 56

Researcher 99947

BTW, this is a little piece of my mind... or at least it was, last week:

Where does time go? I mean, honestly! Yesterday, about halfway through the morning, I realised that it was Saturday... Saturday! How did it sneak up on me so fast? I remembered Monday as if it were...well, as if it were Thursday for crikey's sake.

Do you realise that today (as of this writing) is the twenty-eight of May? Four more days and it is June already. Three more months and it is almost winter again (or summer, depending on your hemisphere). I just can't believe it, when I get down to thinking about it.

But do you know what the really sad thing is? I have no actual recollection of time. I can't remember when I was in kindergarten, fifth grade, or ninth grade for that matter; I can't remember two weeks back! My life consists of vague, inconsistent memories, balled in a jumbled mess. Upon [attempted] recollection of "younger days," I honestly feel as if my life has been fabricated; it seems like rather shoddily thrown together "moments" that have no real nostalgic qualities, yet they fill me with a sense of remorse. I mean, I can't remember who my best friends were in fourth grade, yet I can remember my blankity blank birthday when I went to the mall with my parents, to pick out a present, only to leave empty handed, due to my mother being in a giant hurry, and then having to go to a drug store to pick out a stuffed monster-type thingy for my present, when what I really wanted was Optimus Prime, the transformer. I mean, how absurd!!! Is this what my life is? A bunch of mundane, unimportant fluff? Not only are my memories of unimportant, corny events, but I seem to have developed my whole emotional and mental state around them. The previously mentioned "memory," of my blankity blank (I say that because, surprisingly enough, I can't remember!) birthday just fills me up with such sorrow. Let me say that again: sorrow. Over a stupid toy! And then, when I think about that in itself, it gets me to thinking of what a stupid, capitalistic, self-important b*****d I am. I mean, big whoop- it was a frickin' toy and that was over twelve years ago!! To get right down to it, I'm an empty headed scatterbrain whose sense of importance and reality are so out of whack that it goes without saying.

So, to get to the point...or what might plausibly be the point if you'd consumed a bit of mercury this morning: what the heck am I doing with my life? This past year I went to college for a semester and a half and I absolutely abhorred it. I've been out for over a month, and I have no idea what I'm doing. None! Am I going back to school? ~I dunno~ Am I going to get a decent job then? ~Maybe~ ARGH!!!!!!! And, to make matters that much worse, time escapes me! This whole month has gone by in what seems like a week- eight days at the most. So here I am, working my ass off, hurrying around, trying to keep up with h2g2, email, etc., etc., etc., and there is absolutely no time for anything, least of all sleep. OK. That may have sounded as if I actually do stuff with my time, but honestly, I don't!! I do absolutely nothing, I get maybe four hours of sleep a day, and yet I am so tired and my "free time" is next to nothing!

Which repeats the question: Where does time go?? Maybe you know...if so, be sure to fill me in on the secret.


Post 57

Researcher 99947

This post has been removed.

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 58

Fashion Cat

Was that your compostion??? And if not, who was the author???

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 59

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

David Bowie I believe.

Sporky, take some time out and come and visit me in Xenaland.

11th Conversation at Lil's

Post 60


Gee Sporky, I never knew you felt that way.
I can now understand your attitude recently.
I have never thought of it at that level before.
I have constantly wondered where my time went.
last week for example I was off work. A rest week due to my shifts.
Monday I felt good, the whole week stretching ahead of me, then it was Friday and I realised I had accomplished nothing constructive, infact I was worse off than at the beginning of the week, due to a few problems encountered, plus the weather was so bloody awful.
I cam to work on Sunday night and my collegue asked my how my week had been and I realised it had been a waste. i would have got more done by being at work! Sad but true. Like the verse btw.

Hallo Fashion_cat. New? How did you find Lil's? Welcome anyway.
we are all friendly here so feel free to drop by anytime.
Also try the Aroma cafe. links on my page (click on my name above)
Time for me to go. See you all latersmiley - smiley

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