A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

Bth Conversation at Lil's

Post 61

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

I forgot about the frigate we sent to the Falklands and in a brilliant, but short-lived, moment of madness the frigate we sent to Mueruero Atoll (sp) to help persuade the French to move their nuclear-testing site from the Pacific back to Europe.

Picking up on an earlier thread, it is interesting to note that Vietnam vets from USA, Aus and NZ are now getting their war service rightly recognised as just as worthy as other veterans.

The vets wern't wrong, it was their governments pathetic policy, as always, that was misguided and unjust.

Bth Conversation at Lil's

Post 62

Mike A (snowblind)

S**t, lomg thread. What's been said?

Hey everyone, I've been kicked out the ACE and subbies team! Hurrah!

Bth Conversation at Lil's

Post 63


So Mike what gives?

Loony, you're right about governments, shame it's not the politians who go off to war (or to keep the peace as it's called nowadays).

Bth Conversation at Lil's

Post 64

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

That's a wonderful idea! There ought to be a strictly enforced United Nations law that says a politician cannot vote to declare war, or order the declaration of a war, unless he or she also volunteers to go on combat status at the front lines!

Uh-oh. If we get into political discussions people are going to figure out who I am. I can't wait for the unmasking.


Bth Conversation at Lil's

Post 65

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

My hot-headed nephew has apparently attempted to spray IM Rules across Peta's kneecaps or something. Oh well, you got to love him as he is.

Looney, I agree wholeheartedly with your observation about the Vietnam war and its veterans. That was the war of my generation, by which I mean the generation that supplied the warm bodies for the front line. I know a number of grown men who've gone to the Wall in DC and cried. Despite the sprinkle of heroic statuary which the Jesse Helms generation insisted on inserting into the area of the Wall, it remains an extremely powerful experience. I intend to go see it in the next couple of years.;

Bth Conversation at Lil's

Post 66

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

I suppose if I'm to maintain my villanous character, I'll play Devil's Advocate -- otherwise my alter ego may as well be here.

So what exactly do you have against Jesse Helms and his generation? They fought World War II. They're perfectly respectable gentlemen.


Bth Conversation at Lil's

Post 67

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*darkly* If Jesse Helms is a gentleman, I'm a banana. Well, I'll take that back. He may observe the forms at home and at parties. But he has done more to set back US Foreign Policy than any other member of government since Robert MacNamara was piped on board the ship of state. The man is a political buffoon with power, the very worst sort of buffoon.

*hears feeble scratching* omigod I forgot Mindspring, she's still in the gallery! *rushes to gallery door and opens it*
*Mindspring comes out at a dead run and rushes, full speed, into the baby gate*
*she bounces off and Lil scoops her up nad puts her in her cage*

Enough of that sweetie. Let me get you some broccoli and fresh water.

She's pretty nippy for a sloth, isn't she! I wonder why she wants to go downstairs again?

Bth Conversation at Lil's

Post 68

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*all's quiet in the salon. An old CD of John Williams playing classical guitar plays at low volume as Mindspring rather sulkily munches her greens. Phil is tapping at his notebook, Affi and Garius are downstairs, Irv is on the road, Mike A is asleep in his room, and Lil is reading about the Galveston hurricane of 1900*

Anybody hear from Sporky today? He seems to make some oracular pronouncement and disappear again. Did he go to Queen Bludragon's masked ball as a Ouija board?

Bth Conversation at Lil's

Post 69

Researcher 99947

Me? Oracular? lol. No, i have been reading all with great interest, but I haven't felt the need to say anything- not really my conversation today. Not really my conversation all week actually smiley - sadface Although, I am quite interested in Mike's case

Bth Conversation at Lil's

Post 70


Dittsmiley - doctor

Bth Conversation at Lil's

Post 71


I think we're all interested in hearing what Mike has to say about being dropped from the ACE and Subs groups.

Bth Conversation at Lil's

Post 72


Oh and I got my pictures of the meet back from the developers this morning as well. Some good pictures. The only problem is that now I've got to scan them but I don't have a scanner smiley - sadface I'll let you all know when it happens and where to look for the pictures.

Bth Conversation at Lil's

Post 73

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Phil, I look forward to seeing your pictures.
We'll not hear from Mike for some hours yet, I'm afraid.
*puts out pitcher of OJ and glasses*

Bth Conversation at Lil's

Post 74


I'll have a see if I can find one here at work. Someone, new media (what an awfull term that is smiley - winkeye) or marketing must have one. If I scan them here I can them ftp them back home to do all the necessary fiddling (crops and highlights mostly I think) and put them up on a website and tell people about it.

Bth Conversation at Lil's

Post 75


*Has finally calmed down, but a knock from the basement door makes Affy jump out of his chair*

He's here! Oh, why did I do it! Why did I ever start messing around with alternate realities!

*Jumps out the window. An explosion can be heard from below, and Affy runs up the stairs with a gun, looking around*

Am I here?

Bth Conversation at Lil's

Post 76


*Phil looks up*

Affy were you elsewhere? Can't say I noticed.

Bth Conversation at Lil's

Post 77

Mike A (snowblind)

Why Mike A Has Been Removed From ACEs And Sub-Editors smiley - smiley

As you know, I have a history of getting in trouble with the PTB over my foul language. Each time I've said sorry, try not to do it again. I even pretended to promise to abide by the Terms&Conditions smiley - yawn

This latest occaison was the last straw for the head honchos. At Greebo's Party, things were progressing slowly. One sentance posts by everyone, the action meandering on...in fits of boredom, I slipped in some Guns'n'Roses lyrics (not the sweary ones) and Bathory lyrics (who nobody cares about anyway).
People responded with the mandatory I-think-I'm-funny "oooh such terrible singing" that is demanded whenever somebody pretends to sing online. Har bloody har. This one person, Gwennie, takes it a step furthur and puts laxative in my drinks. Fair enough.

So, life goes on. Gwennie keeps putting laxatives in my drinks, I keep on ignoring her. Then, I get the idea that these people in the party are saying that I've -drunk- these drinks. At no point did I type *Mike drinks his drink and has the s**ts* or anything like that. Then, they start complaining about the smell from the toilets. Ok, I'm having a drink forced down my throat. And Gwennie's masterminding it.
So, I got pissed off. My fatal posting was:
*Lobs drink @ Gwennie*

Two people said "uh we can do without the swearing". I said, "when the sityation demands it". Meaning that'd I swear when it was necessary. Like when some f**k-up's trying to give me laxatives.

An email from Peta and another from Anna came the next day. Peta said "I'll ask Anna to reconsider your position as a sub-editor" but since these emails were 10 minutes apart and CCed to each other's sender I doubt she meant it. Their minds were made up.

This has been my 6th brush with the PTB. Next time it's a 2 week suspension. Anna said she was ready to hear my opinions on this, but seeing as she hasn't replied to my 'starter' email I doubt she's going to listen. I think I'm permanatly doomed to be in their bad boox.

Do I give a s**t? Hey, I'm FREE! I'm not a puppet of these corporate capitalist a*****es! I'm FREE!
"I can laugh at the wind, I can howl in the rain. Down in the canyon, or out on the plain."
More time freed up, less responsibilities, no more "representative of the site", I can put my fav pictures back on my homepage and have whatever I want as my email signature smiley - smiley
That is to say, it's a shame I can't subedit. I did enjoy that a bit. I'm a dab hand at this writing lark. The statistyx screen was nice 2. Oh well, life goes on...

Bth Conversation at Lil's

Post 78


So that was what it was all about then. There are a few on here who I've wanted to tell where to go, but managed not to so far. Ignore em that's what I say and do and in the words of the old song, Long Live Rock And Roll smiley - smiley

Bth Conversation at Lil's

Post 79

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I went and looked at that party thread, Mike. Without wanting to be mean to some of the site's most "popular" researchers, I have to say that it was not very interesting.

My sense of what happened is that you were being mildly ignored by the the rest of them. But you missed the post where one of the researchers poured your drink into the dog's bowl.

You would have had to give up your duties anyway before you go to Australia, and perhaps you wouldn't have felt like subbing and all when you come back anyhow. Let's just let it all cool and see how you feel about it in September or October.

Speaking of hot things, I just saw two helicopters fly out from the airport with water hod attachments, so there must be yet another brush fire off to the east. The helicopters dunk the hods (monster bags) in nearby lakes then dump the water on the offending fire.

And I need to scan the cover of the latest Smithsonian and send it to you: it shows Eric Clapton's Fender Stratocaster (or one of them).

Bth Conversation at Lil's

Post 80


*Afgncaap5 looks around, disgustedly*

Okay, if I show up here, tell me, okay?

*Sets the gun to a higher setting, and walks down the stairs. HE then crawls out from under the sofa*

See? He wants to kill me! I told you that the baby gate wouldn't stop him!

*Crawls back under the sofa*

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