A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

4th Conversation at Lil's

Post 61

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

The upshot of the American SATs is that Colleges and Universities use those scores to pick which students they can't live without (to whom they give scholarships) those students they want (whom they place in the Honors program) those students they'll accept (me) and those students they don't want (who basically end up working at McDonald's)


4th Conversation at Lil's

Post 62

Mike A (snowblind)

Maths SAT was rocking...I think I'm doing really good so far. i'll be disappointed if i don't get Level 6s (that's above average), and if I'm lucky I should get getting Level 7s (boffin-level smiley - bigeyes).

Irv, I did my english SATS yesterday, and maths today. Science is on thirsday, and those are the only subjects we're satted (?) on. Are the subjects the same in the US?

What times do you americans find h2g2 goes slow? It's 6.10pm right now, just when all the Brits will be dashing online, and it's kinda slow.

4th Conversation at Lil's

Post 63


The UK universities usually use A-Level results. These are exams done at 18 and usually in 3 subjects having spent 2 years studying towards this goal.

There you spend another three years getting drunk, sorry getting tutored in your chosen subject smiley - smiley

4th Conversation at Lil's

Post 64

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Hey MikA and Irv, Phil has just asked me about using Ferrari. I've explained to him that Irv usually rides Ferrari in Damogran, and hangs out with MikA in the rest of the site. I guess what with revisions Ferrari has been more on his own, hasn't he.

Anyway, there is a party coming up and Phil asked about riding Ferrari. I said Irv would have first refusal and that MikA should also be consulted.

*sits back in comfy chair and waits to hear what the lads think*

4th Conversation at Lil's

Post 65

Garius Lupus

Sorry to interupt, but just now I was thinking H2G2 was pretty slow, so I checked the users online. There were 82! And 24 of those were new today! Man, is this thing exploding, or what?

Also sorry I can't stay. My ride should be here in a minute and I have to go. smiley - smiley

4th Conversation at Lil's

Post 66

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Is that what it is? Oh well, if performance continues to be like this, they won't remain for long.

4th Conversation at Lil's

Post 67

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Mike we get tested on Verbal and Math skills on our SATs. Nothing more, nothing less. Two tests, one room, a few hours, and a large load of number two pencils.

Lil, I think that Ferrari should have last choice, but if he likes Phil, then it's alright by me. I'm not saying that Phil should have full, unrestricted access, we should see how he treats Ferrari in this instance, first. As long as Mike is in accordance, then it's all alright with me.


4th Conversation at Lil's

Post 68

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

When I took my SAT's the big two were the verbal and math aptitude/achievement, but we could opt for three others as well. I know German was one of mine, but forget the other two.

And I took them in my senior year (final year of high school).

*goes to lawnward window* Hey Ferrari, where's MikA? See if you can find him.
*returns to conversation group*

By the way, I was looking up name asteroids for our Mike. I didn't find a "Mike" or a "Michael", but there was a "Mika" which I thought was particularly appropriate, given his handle. That's why I've taken to contracting his name, lately.

4th Conversation at Lil's

Post 69

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

I think Mika may sound a tad feminine...

Oh well. smiley - smiley


4th Conversation at Lil's

Post 70

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I R not pronouncing it different from Mike A

Anyway, ees R-r-russian diminutive of Mikael, dollink.

4th Conversation at Lil's

Post 71

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

That'd be my confusion. I'm used to Mikaela, being the Russian feminine form of Mikael, which is a name I don't hear often (I'm to young to remember much about the guy with the birthmark on his head)


4th Conversation at Lil's

Post 72


Tapetty, Tap, Tap. *b-17 at the window*
Hello, hello, finally managed to work my way here.
(just spent the last hour catching up on all previous threads!smiley - smiley)
Just in time to have a quick chat then hit the hay.

4th Conversation at Lil's

Post 73


Ok, no need for everyone to look so surprised!
BTW Lil, I too have just started on the 'teach yourself HTML' thing, as Irving will testify to, with regards to a recent conversation we were having.
I have tried a comment in GuideML using <!- comment->, there is no need for the </!> at the end. Same as for HTML. various resources I am using are a magazine here in the UK called '.NET' it is a fount of usefull info and has run various articles on using Dreamweaver, you may wish to check out this link to their online version which includes a lot of usefull stuff. esp. for beginners. http://www.netmag.co.uk/
Have a look and see what you think.
There are many links included in the mag. which I will post at a later stage.
Will pop back later. Bye all, for now!

4th Conversation at Lil's

Post 74

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

That startled me! I thought we were about to see Mindspring burst into dance.

I must reluctantly bring up the subject of Mad Gerald, whose "streak" post appeared on two fora that I know of, and therefore probably happened elsewhere as well. I have thought seriously about bringing the fact to this guy's attention that there are children, well, sub-adults, on this site. Now the teeners I know would take it in stride, but I also know of a couple who have had to defend their continued existence here to their parents. And I know of one teener who is no longer around because her dad yanked her net priveleges.

But frankly I don't want to get involved with this chappie, so I intend to twist the arm of one of youse guys to go and drop a fresh fish in the fellow's ear.

Babel-17, I am working initially from a massive thing called teach yourself HTML in 21 days, and it's quite straightforward going.

4th Conversation at Lil's

Post 75



4th Conversation at Lil's

Post 76


I'm not going to do anything horrid to Ferrari. It's just that the idea I had needs a grand entrance and on horseback too. He'll be the star turn when Turpin rides again! As an former show horse he'll just love being in the middle of the floor showing off again smiley - smiley

4th Conversation at Lil's

Post 77

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I think you're absolutely right about Ferrari enjoying the spotlight. No offense, but how much riding experience do you have?

Traffic is being atrocious and the web is acting ssllooowwww even at this early hour of the day, so I have moved the active thread to
so that there is at least one place we can navigate to without too much difficulty. See you there.

4th Conversation at Lil's

Post 78

Mike A (snowblind)

That made facsinating reading...now I go to new thread smiley - smiley

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