A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

65Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 21


Not fair on a smiley - dog We are out at work all day, I would love a lab or a collie or a Dalmation.

Still considering a smiley - catthough.

Ah well, off to work I go.

65Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 22


Nice summary at the start there, and the whole Handel, heater thing made me laugh, once I remembered what it pertained to.
As to dogs, shut the door. You can actually teach them not to go in a room, but you need to make sure that EVERY time they try they are disuaded. If even one person in the house lets them away with it, they will try every time. That said, if you do train them, they will stay out no matter how much you may want them to go in. smiley - smiley

65Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 23


I have come to a decision, I am going to part my hair on the (*checks scalp*) right. I have the sort of hair that decides for itself each morning where it is going to part and is generally reasonably behaved providing I don't fight with it.

But the last couple of weeks it hasn't been looking quite right and after serious reflection, in the mirror, I've come to the conclusion that regardless of where my hair is going, my fringe (bangs?) always wants to go to the right. So when my hair is parted on the left the two clash and I have a bad hair day and the knock on effect of this is not to be underestimated.

This may not seem entirely earth shattering, but it does cause problems for my hairdresser, she has to style my hair in such away that it will look nice which ever side the parting is. Her life will be a lot simpler, no longer having to part it one side and trim, part it the other side and trim and check how my hair lies on both sides and trim a little more. Also I now control my hair instead of it controlling me. smiley - smiley

Cassie smiley - cat has won her battle for a second brekkie. H was up and out early and she has cleaned her bowl, been outside in the blustery wind and wouldn't stop meeeeuuuuwwwwing. So I relented and put half a dozen kibble pieces.

65Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 24

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Lil's description of the dog Annie is uncannily like a dog my parents owned once. Well, I say 'owned': in fact it belonged to the people next door but they hit it all the time so it decamped to more favourable climes. This dog was a cairn terrier and so enormously broad in the beam in its later years that a visitor to the house once mistook it for a coffee table.

My grandfather - the one who died before Christmas - decided to implement an exercise programme smiley - laugh. Each morning he'd force the dog to walk down the garden as as far as the first field. My cats thought this was entertainment laid on for their benefit and would join in the walk with their tails held high like question marks. I swear they would imitate the dog's rolling gait to each other and then roll on the ground laughing.

Caer, I'm having thoughts about my hair too because it's going far too Ozzy Osbourne. I'm thinking of going more Cindy Crawford.

65Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 25


Z smiley - yawn Oh dear I appear not to be in a lecture.

smiley - dog's I'm not a smiley - dog person but A loves them, this could be an issue if we decide to stay living together when we grow up....

65Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 26


Hi ho, hi ho, off to build a server I should go.

65Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 27

Mrs Zen

smiley - laughsmiley - roflsmiley - somersaultsmiley - roflsmiley - laugh at the dog stories. I cannot match any of those.

My hair is whispering "go to the hair dresser, go to the hair dresser" to me. Going to the hair dresser is - not suprisingly - up there with Christmas on the list of things I loathe doing. I think it is all about expectations. If it was up to me, I would live in a world without mirrors and just loop the stuff up with a pencil and get on with my life.


65Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 28

Noggin the Nog

Morning all.

Heavens, is that the time already? Ah, the life of leisure. smiley - smiley

Cat person, me. They take care of themselves.

The three ages of man.

Hair looks good whatever you do. smiley - smiley

Hair looks awful whatever you do. smiley - sadface

I'm now well in transit to stage three. Oh well.


65Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 29

Mrs Zen

Oh, Z's name reminds me: Yes, Lil, I have kept to the not smoking thing.

I seem to have three stable relationships with smoking.

(1) is smoking, and I can smoke regularly for months at a time,
(2) is not smoking, and I can be a non-smoker for years at a time,
(3) is intermittant smoker, where I wear patches for two or three days and then smoke for two or three days, and that can go on for months.

Each state is perfectly stable, but state 3 is confusing for other people because they think I am trying to stop and failing, but in fact I am just an intermittant smoker, managing my smoking intake with patches and gum.

Anyway - yep - I have stopped, though I am still wearing patches some days.


65Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 30

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

I hold my hair up with pencils too, or with paintbrushes. And the hours I've spent looking for my graphics pen - which I use instead of a mouse - only to find it stuck in the back of my head. smiley - yikes

Hi Noggin, I'm glad you found the new thread smiley - biggrin.

65Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 31


Incidently on the subject of children and sex when I was teaching sex education the children of 13 or 14 had all seen internet porn and were well aware of every kind of perversion known to man - but they didn't quite understand that the majority of people don't actually have have fetishs.

They grow up in a completley different sexual landscape to theone that I grew up in. I was aware of normal sex and what it involved. I was aware of sexual poltics, but before my first sexual contact I had read every significant work of gay literature, and seen every film and could hold a decent discussion on the subject of lesbian made porn from a feminist point of view.

65Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 32


I had fairly cloistered education reagarding sex as I went to boarding school from the age of 10. My Mum had a 'little chat' with me before I went and gave me a booklet called 'Knowledge for the Growing Girl', but she was always ready to answer my questions. But I was unaware what could go in between couples until I was 18 and had to do some A&E experience which woke me up pretty sharpish!

65Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 33


smiley - puff

Made it to the new thread before I have to run to work!

I've used chop sticks to hold my hair back for years, having had my hair long since the late 60's. Haven't gone grey yet; but I'll probably be a silverback anytime soon.

65Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 34

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

ox is a gorilla? smiley - silly I never knew that!

65Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 35

Demon Drawer

You mean you never played Vets and nurses with him to determine his simian existance then Amy?

65Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 36

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

I agree with Munchkin, Marv. Close the door. You are much smarter than the dog so the burden of remembering that he shouldn't go in there falls on you. As to chewing things, that's a natural part of being a dog. Make sure he has plenty of dog toys to chew on, and that all the dog toys are clearly not people things. Old shoes and such make terrible dog toys, because a dog cannot distinguish between old and new. Praise the dog for chewing his things, reprimand for chewing anything else, and be consistent. And they do chew less as they get older.

As to the droppings in the yard, train your roommate the same way. Praise when he cleans, reprimand when he doesn't, be consistent. But for some reason it's harder to train a human.
smiley - dog <-- taught me a lot about dogs

65Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 37

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Vets and nurses smiley - biggrin. A new game!

ox is a girl, by the way.

smiley - tea

65Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 38

Mrs Zen

Absolutely ruthless consistancy is the key. Dogs are not for the whimsical.


65Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 39

Demon Drawer

Female gorrila's dressed as cows.

65Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 40

Witty Moniker

I don't know nuttin' 'bout trainin' dogs, but what about using a child gate instead of closing the door? This way the dog can see in but can't gain access. Marv, you can still see out and are tall enough to just step over the gate.

I'm very conflicted about my hair at the moment. I have about 2 inches of gray roots showing at the moment and have made the decision not to return to the excellent but very expensive hairdresser I've been using for the last year. I haven't decided where to go, so I look yucky right now.

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