A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

86Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Welcome to the atelier, an island within an island on a lifeboat in a sea of... *looks down at notes and frowns* What was I thinking?

Welcome to the atelier. If you are new to this place, please have a read of our forum page at A304354, and check the offsite link, too. We have a floorplan, you know. This isn't just abstract cyberspace.

I took notes during the most recent conversation, so remembrance will be less than perfect. I do have several awards to hand out, however. First of all, we have two backlog awards, one for Witty Moniker, and one with Oak Leaf Cluster for Wilma who, at post 1697, reprised much of the conversation for me. *Chloe hands Witty a Golden Backlog and, for Wilma, a Golden Backlog with a small branch attached, of which hang several oak leaves* Wilma, you should scribe. smiley - evilgrin

We have this award for Ben, who used a word that I haven't heard before: "sitegeist"! It may already exist out there, but I thank Ben for bringing it to the salon. *Chloe gives Ben a small brooch of abalone shaped like an open book*

Wandering Albatross said: you won't believe how hard it is out there in the backlog desert. You read for ages but the last led is always just over the horizon and mirages of Just Now float before your eyes." Is that not a wonderful way of putting it? Wonderful enough to rate this little token. *Chloe proffers an award to Albatross, a small plaque with his quote etched upon it*

The prize for best subject is shared by Agapanthus, who led us to remember uncomfortable beds, and mikerhike, who asked us to name our irrational hatreds. There are so many of them! Uncomfortable beds ~and~ irrational hates! *Chloe quietly moves among the assembled salonistas to give both Ag and mikerhike their awards, biscuit tins of rock cakes made by Mrs. Dreadful*

Team Salonista has formed so that the Atelier can do its part for the BOINC climate change project. There is a link on our forum page, A304354. Every clock cycle must do its part.

New members! Serephina finally came in from the foyer and joined us, and we also welcomed nother and How. And not Him. It is evidently an era of ambiguity.

Mr. Teuchter was made director! Kelli got tickets to the Chelsea Flower Show. And Wilma also had a front page entry, with blob. Affi revealed a serious jones for webcomics, when he went on a post-Lenten spree. When Lentilla let drop in passing that she had spent a night in jail, salonista minds went into overdrive. Marv had the brilliant idea that we should invent stories until the real reason was known.
FG received strong support from the group hug department after a particularly unsettling and emotionally violent encounter. Witty instigated a hot tub session.

Many salonistas are fierce gardeners, but Hypatia may have outshone them all when her property sprouted an ornamental pool. What will you stock it with, Hyp? Be sure to consult with the cats before making any decisions.

Kelli mentioned a school reunion, and this brought about a great sharing of memories about our earliest days at school, all the way back to Kindergarten. An elderly few of us remember free milk!

Z leapt into a phone booth, then came back out dressed as Medic Man, mild-mannered frequenter of busses, able to leap tall textbooks in a single bound. As Amy exclaimed, Holy stethoscopes! He was also wondering how to get a live-in housecleaner. Or any sort of house cleaner.

President Hypatia celebrated her birthday, obtained her levy and got a campaign gleam in her eye. The Americans were gobsmacked to learn that a Brit's credit rating is affected by their presence on the electoral register. Why, what a good idea! The Brits complained about what seems to be an eccentric postal coding system, and found international agreement about the eccentricities of post offices everywhere.

An intense fad for fropping broke out in the salon.

We also discussed:
privacy and biometric data -- thumb printing in pubs and schools
use of "mum" (mother) as a form of address
painting nails
network neutrality and what might become of it at the hands of US lawmakers.
spray cheese and other pseudo-food substances

The conversation ended on a somewhat somber note, as salonistas lifted a glass or a teacup in remembrance of absent researchers and pondered the future of Hootoo with Auntie.

smiley - tea

And so, fellow salonistas and new visitors, the salon is clean and ready for us to resume our conversation. Please make yourselves at home.

86Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 2




86Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 3


Darn - beaten to FTTP

86Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 4

Mr. Cyde: The Tearer and Master of Bad Jokes.

And I'm on!
I would like a 32oz teacup please.

86Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 5


* waves to Azahar smiley - smiley

About time you made it in here, missus, and I hope you'll be a regular.

Carrying on from the previous thread.......

I've been wondering about eatsmice recently too - I hope he's well and that his family are coping with all the 'stuff' that goes along with his job.

Ben's account of dreaming about her father reminded me of a disturbing dream I once had about mine smiley - weird in which I discovered that he hadn't actually died but had gone to America with his gay lover and was happily practising medicine on the west coast. This had been a cover-up to spare his elderly parents from the 'truth'. All total 'sphericals' of course, but I woke up feeling very confused.

(Apologies for getting so heavy right on the first LED)

86Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 6


And being so early in a new convo has so totally confused me that I can't even say FTTF properly smiley - blush

86Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 7


*falls into the room, looking bewildered. Chloe helps her up and hands her her rock cakes*

Where did you all go? Why biscuits? What? Oh. Oh, thank you. Thank you very much indeed.

86Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 8


First LED at least. Good recap, Lil. smiley - applause

86Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 9


I think the strangest dream I ever had about my father was one in which he had killed someone and was mad because non of us would help him bury him. smiley - weird

Hi az. Hope you'll become a regular. smiley - smiley

86Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 10


*pins brooch carefully to upper chest*

Lil, how kind. It was a small word, but mine own.

I've had an email from the Italics saying "Firstly, apologies for the delay in replying to you. Your query has generated a lot of discussion here, and that discussion is not over yet. Our own view is that the word is sensitive, and that as such the context of its use is relevant. While your first posting *might* be seen as provocative, in that the use of the word queer might upset others in that context, the second posting was, in our view, an attempt at engaging others in a legitimate discussion. We are pleased to be able to inform you that we have now reinstated the second posting."

All of which goes to show that the Italics are remarkably good - if rather overworked - smiley - friedeggsmiley - friedeggs.

I'm just as world weary with h2g2 though. The big advantage of not huffing off in a flounce is that there isn't any wind to be taken out of your sails.

Right. Backlog and smiley - tea.....


86Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 11

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*Matina looks undecided, then brings in two Irish Coffees for azahar and Teuchter, the latter in a FTTF mug*

*azahar receives her beverage in a mug labelled NTTF*

86Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 12


::walks in with an unlabeled mug, and helps herself to some morning caffeine::

86Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 13


<> We're divided by a common language again. Hillbillies would say flouncing off in a huff. smiley - laugh

I'm glad they reinstated the post. I guess we are still allowed to use queer to describe something odd, then.

86Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 14

Wilma Neanderthal

*comes in and plonks herself next to Ag in a tizzy, remembers manners waves a warm welcome to the newcomers and goes to read first post*

Oooh, Lil, smiley - wow thank you so much for this lovely award!

*Takes gorgeous backlog award with Oak Leaf Cluster and inspects it with wonder and awe. Shows Agapanthus and gratefully takes an offered rock cake.*

Is this for that time when I had not read the backlog carefully and skimmed through and ... smiley - wow that's scribing? OK. I'm game - I think (why do I feel I am sooo going to regret this? smiley - erm).

Ben, I have to agree with you about the italics. I would not want their job for anything, and I think they do it with remarkable good spirit and cheer. Excellent news about your reinstated post.

*thanks Matina for the proffered cup of frappemochalatteccino and leans back to munch on the rock cake*

86Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 15

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Hmmpf. I missed the footrace as was at the vets. smiley - dogbeasties have got the all clear for their op on thursday. Oh the guilt! *dramatically raises back of hand to forehead*

My opinion of parts of this site has fallen lower still since I posted last *sigh*

Not here though, smiley - cappuccino Did Matina have any blueberry muffins by any chance? Or cheesecake? I need comfort food.

86Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 16

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Oh and Hyp, I'd say flouncing off in a huff too...

86Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 17


Hey! I made it to the first page!

86Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 18

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Blueberry muffins! What a splendid idea. Matina, would you please make some? You can send Chloe out to the shops for fresh berries.

Yes, Wilam, all it takes is an open notepad to note topics discussed, newcomers & returners, birthdays and the like.

I forgot to mention frootinooti, though, in the opening. smiley - sadface

86Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 19

Santragenius V

Me too smiley - smiley (given that my net goo is not too gooey...)

86Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 20

Wilma Neanderthal

*surreptitiously installs the spellchecker on Lil's pc*

Not to worry, Lil. I'll give it a go. You guys seem to be a pretty forgiving bunch. Just wave at me, please, when you want it so I have it ready in good time.

smiley - biggrin

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