A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

7FXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 2021


Offrendas? Um...is that the little memorial altar? It's been a while since I looked at the official terms for it all.

I don't make offrendas for the world to see (well, except for one year), but I kinda create my own little text-based tributes to people.

7FXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 2022


Right. The alters. Most of them are in private homes and no one except the family ever sees them. They use marigolds to decorate them, since marigolds grow wild in Mexico. And usually have a framed photograph of the deceased along with items that the person used in life. Like the griddle a woman used to cook tortillas or a man's tools or a child's toys. And votive candles and the sugar skulls and skeletons. They also add favorite foods and beverages. They are actually quite nice tributes.

Every year I think I should have a program at the library about them, but I chicken out.

7FXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 2023

Rainbow's Tears

Thanks for explaining the *clean cups*. I had been away for a couple of days and wasn't able to read all the backlog. The smiley - erm was because I was unable to join in and becuase I am having an horrendous week and it was either a smiley - erm or a smiley - wah

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