A Conversation for We Moved!

Join the team :)

Post 1


(I hope this goes to the right place, not quite familiar with the whole place quite yet smiley - winkeye
Anyhow, Count me in!

Join the team :)

Post 2

Wolfman, Zaphodista :X (soon to be Zarquon again, or maybe not)

Hi JubJub! Actually, you were supposed to post to the existing thread, but no problem; I'll add you to the list. Welcome to the H2G2 Vegetarian Society! To anyone else interested in joining, please let me know in the other "Join the Team" thread. The one with the "!" instead of the smile face. It would be too confusing to have two threads for that. Thank you.

Join the team :)

Post 3

Wolfman, Zaphodista :X (soon to be Zarquon again, or maybe not)

OK, you're on the list! BTW, did you ever visit my old hitchhiker's webpage, "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Hoopiness"? The poem on your userpage was emailed to me by someone who visited my page, and I wondered if it was you, or if you are just quoting a different person's poem. Anyway, thanks for joining!

Join the team :)

Post 4


Nope, it wasn't me. I just happen to like that poem, but I'm probably not the only one. smiley - smiley I did e-mail you though, but only a couple of days ago with the veg pages.
Sorry about the new thread, I think I'm beginning to get the hang of it now smiley - winkeye

Join the team :)

Post 5

Wolfman, Zaphodista :X (soon to be Zarquon again, or maybe not)

Oh that was you? Elina from Man U? Well thanks. I added them to the list.

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