A Conversation for The Horse and Groom - Home of the h2g2 Beerfest

Beerfest 06.11.09

Post 81

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Evenin' all smiley - cheers

Beerfest 06.11.09

Post 82

Skankyrich [?]

Absolutely. I'd almost stand in the supermarket and slip it into people's trolleys.

Beerfest 06.11.09

Post 83

Mu Beta

Evenin' Gosho. We'll send you some Poachers Choice at some point, promise.


Beerfest 06.11.09

Post 84

Skankyrich [?]

Evenin', Mr Gosho, Sir!

Beerfest 06.11.09

Post 85

Mu Beta

My word, this beer is good. Couldn't we just order a crate of this each and spend the rest of the evening talking about it?


Beerfest 06.11.09

Post 86

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I'm already smiley - drool at the the thought smiley - biggrin

I believe I can join you in the final beer smiley - stout

Beerfest 06.11.09

Post 87

Mu Beta

You have the Guinness?

Marvellous. I shall be ready shortly.


Beerfest 06.11.09

Post 88

Skankyrich [?]

Give me five, and I'll be with you for the Guinness Export smiley - ok

Beerfest 06.11.09

Post 89

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Guinness Extra Stout (if it's the same as you have there) is one of two or three beers that's always in my fridge. Everything else is there on a whim or a desire to try a new gargle.

Beerfest 06.11.09

Post 90

Skankyrich [?]

Guinness Foreign Extra

I'm biased, because they brew a version of this in The Gambia at about the same percentage and I greet it with the same homely happiness as I do a cricket bat.

But this is what a good, solid stout should taste like; burnt without filling your mouth with carbon; full on the nose and palate without overbearing either; heavy and damn strong. The best in its class, by a chalk smiley - stoutsmiley - stoutsmiley - stoutsmiley - stoutsmiley - stout

Beerfest 06.11.09

Post 91

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - drool don't think I've ever seen that* type of guinness on sale round these ere parts smiley - drool its the way way stronger one innit? smiley - drool

Beerfest 06.11.09

Post 92

Mu Beta

Guinness Foreign Extra

Big, thick, sticky. Sits on the tongue with the sophisticated touch of a fillet steak and sits on the stomach with the sophisticated touch of a small slag heap. Classy as a one-off. Lord knows why anyone would wish to drink it as a habit, though.


Beerfest 06.11.09

Post 93

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Ah, unfortunately I don't have the Foreign Extra Stout, just the original... which is still well worth having I might add.

Slightly sweet in the nose, considering that it's an Irish Dry Stout, with all the associated coffee/chocolate/roasted malt aromas, and a hint of dried fruit. No malty sweetness on the tongue, just bitterness from front to back and a nice dry finish. I don't care what the nanny brigade might stop advertisers from saying - Guinness *is* good for you smiley - stoutsmiley - stoutsmiley - stoutsmiley - stoutsmiley - stout

This Guinness shows up the stuff that comes out of a nitrous tap for the rubbish it really is.

Beerfest 06.11.09

Post 94


Good Evening! Or perhaps, Good Morning.smiley - smiley

As previously discussed, we made some substitutions. smiley - laugh For a little after-lunch we subbed Bison's Gingerbread Ale for Crabbie's Alcoholic Ginger Beer, 10 hours and 60 posts ago. The rest of the substitutions are:

* Brains SA Gold - Mad River Brewing Company's Steelhead Extra Pale Ale

* Adnams East Green Carbon Neutral - Anderson Valley Brewing Company's Poleeko Gold Pale Ale. The brewery is solar-powered. The copy on the bottle is written in the local dialect, Boontling, "Rudy nebs, heelch hops, and malted barley make Poleeko Gold plenty bahl with any gorms." That sums it for me.

* Badger Poacher's Choice - We don't have anything like this, so we substituted Lagunita's Brown Shugga' Ale. Tagline: Life is Uncertain, Don't Sip.

* Guinness Foreign Extra - Guinness Extra Stout. Our one lucky match! smiley - diva

* Sierra Nevada 2008 Anniversary Ale - We could find last year's, but we've substituted nice, fresh Sierra Nevada 2009 Anniversary Ale. smiley - nahnah

* Brakspear's Bitter - Sierra Nevada's Southern Hemisphere Harvest Fresh Hop Ale ought to be bitter enough.

* Brakspear's EPA - Anderson Valley Brewing Company's Boont ESB. More harpin' boont, more bahl hornin'.

* Brakspear's Oxford Gold - Eel River Brewing Company's Amber Ale, certified organic.

* Brakspear's Triple - Eel River Brewing Company's Triple Exultation, also organic.

smiley - ok Since it's nearly midnight here, we'll have a couple and see you all in the morning for some more beer.

First tonight, the Sierra Nevada 2009 Anniversary Ale. Slightly hazy color, big, bold, beautiful floral nose. Wonderfully refreshing cascade hops with all the expected citrus flavors. You're going to love this one when you get it.

smiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - ale/5

smiley - smiley

Beerfest 06.11.09

Post 95


We're jumping straight to the Guinness Extra Stout, then off to bed. Tomorrow we'll taste the rest of the beers.

Guinness has a slightly burnt and coffee smell and robust taste. It traveled fairly well, this bottle claims to be Canadian. Mr. Nerd says it's more bitter than he remembers. It's an enjoyable stout.

smiley - stoutsmiley - stoutsmiley - stoutsmiley - stout/5

smiley - smiley

Beerfest 06.11.09

Post 96

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Strangely now its morning here I'm quite tempted to join in an open a can of that London pride or the Adnams smiley - dohsmiley - erm well it is* breckfast time for me smiley - droolsmiley - alesmiley - stout

Beerfest 06.11.09

Post 97


Good morning!smiley - biggrin

It's probably almost supper time where you are by now, 2legs, so drink up.smiley - biggrin

We just opened the Mad River Brewing Company's Steelhead Extra Pale Ale http://www.madriverbrewing.com (the Brains SA Gold substitute).

Lovely golden color, crisp, mild bitterness, well-balanced. Could have a little more crystal in it according to Mr. Nerd. Me, I'm happy with it the way it is. smiley - smiley I could drink this one all afternoon.

smiley - smiley

Beerfest 06.11.09

Post 98


Mr. Nerd wishes to withdraw that comment, because he thought I had poured him a different beer (their ESB).

smiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - ale/5

Beerfest 06.11.09

Post 99


Poleeko Gold Pale Ale from Anderson Valley Brewing Company www.avbc.com, subbing for Adnams East Green Carbon Neutral.

Well, this probably is a Gold Ale. I think I recognize it because of its lack of a nose, its overall wimpy character, and of course, its golden blond color. For a Gold Ale, it's probably right on style; for a Pale Ale it's a bit thin. Tastes okay, clean, refreshing, and all of that, but there's just not that much to it, other than light malt, a little bitter. On a hot summer day, this might be an appropriate beer, and I wouldn't turn it down if offered.

I really hate writing this, because this brewery puts out some excellent beers that makes it worth driving to Anderson Valley to enjoy.

smiley - alesmiley - ale/5

Beerfest 06.11.09

Post 100


In other news, Mr. Nerd is currently brewing a porter in our kitchen, and we just got done sparging it. smiley - biggrinsmiley - ale

smiley - smiley

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